Duck Breed Focus - Campbell

This is my Dark Khaki Campbell, Pepper! She's the sweetest and cutest little duck ever!
She's so pretty! Thank you for sharing.
We have a KC drake named Coco. He drives me crazy sometimes but he's beautiful and very much loved.
I was pondering on names and was like what does he/she look like? (This was before I knew her gender) I was sitting at the table and asked someone to pass the pepper, and it hit me! She looks like pepper!
I was pondering on names and was like what does he/she look like? (This was before I knew her gender) I was sitting at the table and asked someone to pass the pepper, and it hit me! She looks like pepper!
She does too I don't think I've ever noticed how pretty the coloring is on the feathers or have I seen one that dark.
I just started having ducks for eggs only. I am allergic to chicken eggs and dairy products. finding out that duck eggs have so many values, I had a pool party for them today so they can bond, since they are from two different flocks. I wish I knew what each of them are. Please help me on their breeds.
Hello all! I have two 1 1/2 year old Khaki Campbell hens who are seemingly healthy & happy. They both are about half way through their molt and have officially stopped laying eggs within the last week. Over this last week, day after day the ducks have increasingly gotten louder. Quacking aggressively and without stop over and over all day and all night. It is usually the quack they make when I come out with treats or when they are really upset about something so I am becoming increasingly worried that something might be wrong! I have picked them both up and they seem to be healthy, nothing I can notice. They both are still eating, drinking, and foraging just fine. But also seem to be fighting a lot more, running after the chickens and just being all together really aggressive and really loud, all out of nowhere but at the same time as they stopped laying eggs so I'm wondering if this has something to do with it? Or could they be trying to tell me they are in pain? I'm just so confused. Any and all advice would be so greatly appreciated!!

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