Duck Breed Focus - Welsh Harlequin

Supposedly for the first two days (so only Hatchers will know) boys have dark bills and girls have light bills with dark tips. By day 3 you can't tell.

Edit: Darn for April fools I should have said I could see his equipment from the photo. :gig

Hahaha this made me laugh out loud! Yes I read about the bill colour. This pic is them on the day after hatching. I agree I can def tell one is a drake (in the middle) and the one to the left is a duck. I did think the one on the left was a duck on the day she hatched but her bill isn't as light as the other girl yet not as dark as the drake. So I'm on there fence with her. Will keep you updated... The one I know is girl is smaller, does size have anything to do with it or is she just the runt bless her?
I don't think size matters. On the up in the air, I am going with girl because the tip is darker. If her bill was the same color with the tip lighter, I would go boy. We will see when they are old enough
I don't think size matters.  On the up in the air, I am going with girl because the tip is darker.  If her bill was the same color with the tip lighter, I would go boy.  We will see when they are old enough :D

Fingers crossed for 2 girls as I understand it's best to have a ratio of more girls than boys. I don't think I could go through hatching again. Quite anxiety provoking ;)
Supposedly for the first two days (so only Hatchers will know) boys have dark bills and girls have light bills with dark tips. By day 3 you can't tell.

Edit: Darn for April fools I should have said I could see his equipment from the photo.
LOL, that would have been a good one.

I remember now having read about the bills. Of 3 I had hatch, two ended up girls but now I can't remember what their bill colors were. Guess I should look back at all of the pictures I took, lol.
LOL, that would have been a good one. 

I remember now having read about the bills.  Of 3 I had hatch, two ended up girls but now I can't remember what their bill colors were.  Guess I should look back at all of the pictures I took, lol.

Try to find a pic of them the first day or two after hatch and post it so we can see? :)
My babies are now 3-4 and there bills have changed, the ones that we're lighter (suspected female) have turned darker like the male. X
Try to find a pic of them the first day or two after hatch and post it so we can see?

My babies are now 3-4 and there bills have changed, the ones that we're lighter (suspected female) have turned darker like the male. X
Of all the pictures I took, I don't have one of all three and these aren't very good.

Of all the pictures I took, I don't have one of all three and these aren't very good.

I think good enough. If the back duck in the first pic is the same ducks as in the last pic, he's the boy and the others are the girls (I think.)
I think good enough.  If the back duck in the first pic is the same ducks as in the last pic, he's the boy and the others are the girls (I think.)
Yes that's what I would have said. The last pic is the boy. But I'm not expert, just what I've read. This is my first hatch. They look a little diff to mine colouring wise but it could be lighting etc. I hatched mine from postal eggs and often joked that they might not have even been ducks for all I knew! Thankfully they are. Looking forward to seeing what they look like when their colours come in. Can you post a pic of your ducks now Ren2014? :)
I think good enough. If the back duck in the first pic is the same ducks as in the last pic, he's the boy and the others are the girls (I think.)
Yep, that's how they turned out

Yes that's what I would have said. The last pic is the boy. But I'm not expert, just what I've read. This is my first hatch. They look a little diff to mine colouring wise but it could be lighting etc. I hatched mine from postal eggs and often joked that they might not have even been ducks for all I knew! Thankfully they are. Looking forward to seeing what they look like when their colours come in. Can you post a pic of your ducks now Ren2014?

Here they are at 4 wks. Rhonda and Rousey on the left and Big Boy right back.

at about 6 wks.

I need to get some current pictures. They are going on 15 wks and Big Boy has a full on green head and white neck ring. His drake feather is just now starting to come in. The below picture is from last week. It's kind of washed out but you can definitely see him.

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