Duck Feed in the St. Louis Area


6 Years
Nov 8, 2013
Us and the ducks are newly moved to the St. Louis area, and their normal duck food is just not available in this area. (We've called all the stores and the manufacturer, and no dice; their normal preferred food just isn't available out here.)

We need a good maintenance diet for our mallard drake, and an egg layer diet for the two Sweidsh girls.

Anyone out here in this area got a favorite duck food and supplier?
Do you have a favorite brand or store you like to go to? I get Purina All Flock. But I’ve also been getting Nutrena here lately due to the higher niacin content.
Do you have a favorite brand or store you like to go to? I get Purina All Flock. But I’ve also been getting Nutrena here lately due to the higher niacin content.

Our ducks used to get Blue Seal, which is made by Kent, in pellet form. We have gotten shipped the regional Kent product, but only have found that in crumble form. Which they'll eat, but they seem to spill a lot more of it, and little birds steal it. And that's running low for us.

We've yet to actually buy anything local in an actual shop. Last we were at "Tractor Supply" (picking up a cage for them), we didn't see anything that looked like it would work.
Tsc has flock raiser it is a good feed for all poultry. You would have to make sure the girls have an extra source of calcium on the side - oyster shell and maybe egg shell (I provide both).

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