Duck Feeder Recommendations?

I use a treadle (step) feeder, to which I've added a step extension since ducks' feet are farther back on their bodies than chickens. These feeders are great because they keep out rodents and wild birds.
I put food in a sloped dog dish, so they can't tip it. My ducks get their food damp from going back and forth from their water so I throw out/compost any uneaten food daily. I'm concerned about damp food getting moldy.

I also use Mazuri waterfowl, and just put food in their water bucket because it floats. They love that.
I just put their food in metal dog bowls from dollar tree and put them out every day, but keep them in the coop if it seems like it will rain, or if it starts raining. I was planning on just getting a large bin, and cutting a duck sized hole in it and putting the food bowl in there to kind of rain proof it, but I will be following this thread now to see if there are better ideas for super cheap and very little effort.
I use one of those black rubber tubs from the feed store, which I place under a cheap old table (metal legs, glass top) so it doesn't get rained on. I have the same concern as KaleIAm about their food getting moldy so I keep a keen eye on it and throw out any leftovers that look damp. I only have three ducks right now - I might want a more sophisticated setup if I had a significantly larger flock.
I just put their food in metal dog bowls from dollar tree and put them out every day, but keep them in the coop if it seems like it will rain, or if it starts raining. I was planning on just getting a large bin, and cutting a duck sized hole in it and putting the food bowl in there to kind of rain proof it, but I will be following this thread now to see if there are better ideas for super cheap and very little effort.
This is what I was planning to do once the little darlings are outside.
I'm also interested in some other ideas. I'm prepping for 3 ducks in April and just trying to plan and think ahead. Has anyone ever used this or something similar? Would that work for ducks? How high would you mount it in the run?
I'm also interested in some other ideas. I'm prepping for 3 ducks in April and just trying to plan and think ahead. Has anyone ever used this or something similar? Would that work for ducks? How high would you mount it in the run?
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I was also looking at that while ago, the reviews on Amazon weren't great. I don't think it's really waterproof and I think I saw a lot of reviews saying the top doesn't stay on very well

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