Duck on Metacam


It was/is a very serious wound. The horse not only skined her but sliced her open as well leaving a hole in her back and a knife like slash down her side. Had I taken her to the vet it would have been at least $500 (estimated by the last duck I took in who only needed medication. Over $200 visit) That said I am giving her less then the recomended dosage because I don't want to do more damage then she already has. Last night however Corin (duck) decided that she no longer needs any form of bandage and ripped off everything! So I am re-thinking about continuing the metacam and wondering if I can fit a cone around her neck like a dog
. I'll see how she is tonight and decide as last nights dose will have wore off. Ideally I won't need to medicate her past tonight, but I'll go by how well she seems to be.
Do you know what meds outside of Metacam can be used?
From all I have witnessed and read from others is Ducks don't preceive pain like we do, so she may not need anything now for pain, like you said evaluate her and decide.One time my drake literally ripped off the side of my duck face she was awful and I cleaned her up and at that time just put triple antibiotic on it and she did fine didn't even act like anything was wrong, maybe if she has seen in herself in a mirror she may have acted differently sure looked painful to me.
Good news! Corin doesn't seem to need pain killers any more. YAY!!!! Looks like she spent the day trying to have a bath (was wet when I went to put ointment on her) while picking at scabs (ick!) I'm amazed (again) at how quickly she's healing. What was a gaping hole on Sunday is now - mostly - pink healthy skin! I should have taken pictures to record her recovery. Less then 2 weeks and she's almost back together

Ducks do have a high pain tolerence or certainly seem to but I didn't know they had super speed recovery rates too. The first week was absolutly the worst and I'm very glad I had some metacam available....and penicilin
Great news,, I guess the super healing has to do with staying alive in the wild, we know an injured duck wouldn't last long. Plus they have a high body temp too which may help. Anyway great news I know your relieved.

PS what breed of chicken in your avatar? thanks
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I am very vety happy. Fingers crossed that her feathers grow back.
An Orloff rooster. I have a better pic, I just haven't had time to change it :)

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