Duck Stopped Grooming Herself - illness or heat related?


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2017
Hi there-

One of my ducks, Cinderella, (Pekin, 21+ weeks) was always very clean, constantly grooming herself. In the last month she seems to have stopped almost entirely. She still eats and is laying (1 egg per day) but has lost some weight. I haven't weighed her but it is visible that she has lost a little.

I think my other female, Rapunzel, (Mallard, 21+ weeks) is also grooming herself less. She does open her mouth and pant a bit.

The male, Mr. Darcy, (Pekin, 21+ weeks) seems fine, clean as always.

They have fresh water in a kiddie pool that is deep enough for them to swim. It is scrubbed out twice a week. They have a separate water tub that is changed daily and wiped out.

I am confident that their diet is good - fresh veggies, fruit and duck feed. They also get to forage in the garden for 8 - 10 hours per day. It is full of ants, bees, flies, etc.

The only thing I can think of is that the heat is bothering her/them? It was 109 here today and has been hot like that for the last 2 months. They have plenty of shade but it is still quite hot.

Should I bring them in to the AC for the hottest part of the day? Will the temperature change be worse for them than just letting them stay outside?

Any advice is appreciated.
I think bringing them in would not help if they have to go back out. Just keeping fresh water for drinking and water for bathing will help.
Is Mr. Darcy mating with them a lot that maybe keeping them out of the pool if they aren't getting in and if they aren't bathing they won't do much preening.

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