Duck treats


May 5, 2020
Kendallville Indiana, US
Any suggestions on affordable treats for ducks? I’ve tried giving them corn, lettuce, peas, green beans and they don’t seem to have that much interest in them. I would give them berries but that would get pricey. so what do your ducks Like? Right now they only seem to like tomatoes.
Any suggestions on affordable treats for ducks? I’ve tried giving them corn, lettuce, peas, green beans and they don’t seem to have that much interest in them. I would give them berries but that would get pricey. so what do your ducks Like? Right now they only seem to like tomatoes.
My ducks like the occasional mealworm! But they get it once a week
My Muscovy ducks seem quite picky but they do like corn (I buy the cheapest frozen corn but thaw it), mealworms (I buy a big bag once a year from a company in Quebec), and love watermelon. Mine don't free-range so a free treat is weeds like dandelions leave and clover.
Yes Try watermelon! And I’m amazed your ducks don’t like lettuce or even peas. Are you kidding me? Lol my ducks go insane for those things. Ducks like small bite size bits of the lettuce and things so try it chopped up if you haven’t already.
I grow lettuce and tomatoes for mine. But, they also love watermelon, soldier fly larva (Amazon), thawed frozen corn, and peas. They really prefer all treats be placed in water. I sprinkle them over their pool or water dish. That might be what you are missing!
Mine won't touch a tomato. I can't argue with that as I don't like them either. Occasionally they get lettuce which I toss into their pond.
I can give the peacocks and chickens many kinds of treats but some of that is because of their pointy beaks instead of Muscovy shovels.
Free treats are tops from root vegetables you buy for your own cooking. (turnip, radish, beets, carrots, etc.) Mine also like kale, which is going bonkers in my garden but kinda pricey to buy. I trim the lowest leaves every few days.

Free and best beloved: worms! Spread your poopy shavings over topsoil and next year you'll have a worm farm.
My Muscovy ducks seem quite picky but they do like corn (I buy the cheapest frozen corn but thaw it), mealworms (I buy a big bag once a year from a company in Quebec), and love watermelon. Mine don't free-range so a free treat is weeds like dandelions leave and clover.
We live very close to a lake so they like sneaking off and eating all the algae/fish they find. Maybe that’s why they don’t like most the stuff I tried giving them.
Yes Try watermelon! And I’m amazed your ducks don’t like lettuce or even peas. Are you kidding me? Lol my ducks go insane for those things. Ducks like small bite size bits of the lettuce and things so try it chopped up if you haven’t already.
I’m suprised too! The previous ducks I had would go crazy for nearly everything.

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