Duck with Bumblefoot (Warning Viewer Discretion Is Advised)


One of my Pekins. Her name is Lily

My other two Pekins Albert and Martha
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Awwww, so cute! Where do they sleep and swim?

I have a plastic kiddy pool that goes at the other end of the deck and their house is currently on the side of the house. Once the chicks are old enough to go outside full time though the ducks an chickens are going up towards the edge of the yard. I'll take some pictures later
​I have a plastic kiddy pool that goes at the other end of the deck and their house is currently on the side of the house. Once the chicks are old enough to go outside full time though the ducks an chickens are going up towards the edge of the yard. I'll take some pictures later

Ok, neat! Did you read the article about adding to the flock here on BYC? I also have 16 chicks in the brooder, and I'm going to do what this article says to introduce them to the adults: :)
Ok, neat! Did you read the article about adding to the flock here on BYC? I also have 16 chicks in the brooder, and I'm going to do what this article says to introduce them to the adults:

I haven't but I'll go read it now. They have their own houses so I'm not too worried plus I don't think I'll let the chickens free range unless I'm able to watch due to the fact that I read my drake will probably try to mate with the chickens which is bad and also I have a ton of hawks that already keep aa close eye on the ducks. They don't usually go after the duck though, I think they realize that they are too fat
​I haven't but I'll go read it now. They have their own houses so I'm not too worried plus I don't think I'll let the chickens free range unless I'm able to watch due to the fact that I read my drake will probably try to mate with the chickens which is bad and also I have a ton of hawks that already keep aa close eye on the ducks. They don't usually go after the duck though, I think they realize that they are too fat

I keep 5 chickens together with my 11 ducks, and they kinda just stay in their own pack, no interbreeding or anything like that. I think ducks and chickens are fine staying in the same coop together as long as the drakes/roos have plenty of girls. I have 1 roo for 4 hens, and 3 drakes for 8 girls. I know what you mean about Hawks, they fly around everywhere here. We have foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and possums too, so I keep my birds in a run, and lock them up at night. I'm in the process of making a bigger run. :)
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I keep 5 chickens together with my 11 ducks, and they kinda just stay in their own pack, no interbreeding or anything like that. I know what you mean about Hawks, they fly around everywhere here. We have foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and possums too, so I keep my birds in a run, and lock them up at night. I'm in the process of making a bigger run.

Yeah. I think it's funny my dad thinks that if anything is gonna get them it will be a raccoon, but I think that the hawks will try to get them before a raccoon will. We have a lot of predators too, Foxes, raccoons, possums, skunk (But I don't think they'll bother them), fisher cats, hawks SO MANY HAWKS, and we have coyotes but they don't really come around much, I've only seen two. We also have a mountain lion and bear but not often.
​Yeah. I think it's funny my dad thinks that if anything is gonna get them it will be a raccoon, but I think that the hawks will try to get them before a raccoon will. We have a lot of predators too, Foxes, raccoons, possums, skunk (But I don't think they'll bother them), fisher cats, hawks SO MANY HAWKS, and we have coyotes but they don't really come around much, I've only seen two. We also have a mountain lion and bear but not often.

Yup, SO MANY PREDATORS! Raccoons only come around at night, so as long as you lock them up at night, you wouldn't really have to worry about them. Hawks would probably be the main predator. I think ducks and chickens are fine staying in the same coop together as long as the drakes/roos have plenty of girls. I have 1 roo for 4 hens, and 3 drakes for 8 girls. :)

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