Ducking Died? Sad and now what?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 29, 2014
We have (had) two Khaki Campbells and two Pekin ducklings that are two weeks since the farm store. Tiny when we got them and amazed at how big they've gotten. Out of nowhere last night, one of the KCs had a long seizure and never stopped trembling since. Went to farm store this morning for vitamins and when I got back, it was dead. Very sad. Kids will be heartbroke when they get home from school.

Not sure what went wrong. Was keeping heat in the brooder with a 250 watt last week and switched over to a 125 this week since they seemed hot at times. Keep plenty of water in there, changing it out a couple of times a day. And I think lots of food? Refill it when it's about 1/4 to an 1/8 left. And I clean the brooder twice a day. Meaning removing the poop and adding fresh bedding and once a week changing it out completely.

I took the brooder outside and hosed it out this morning, dried and reinserted the three remaining ducks. Going to add vitamins to their water from here out. I should add that two of the pekins have been panting or opening and closing their mouths at times, so I have been reducing the heat and making sure they can get out of it and plenty of water to clear their nostrils. They always seem to stop.

Anywhoo, not sure which KC died. I mean, it was smaller, but the more I think about it, maybe it just didn't develop right. Could have been the male. Not sure if I can tell for awhile yet. So what would you do in a situation like this? Besides grieve. Part of me wants to get a companion for the KC, but maybe its best to wait until we figure out what it is so we get the right match. So for now we have a drake and hen pekin and not sure on the KC. Thanks.
I am sorry I cannot help but just wanted to say sorry for your loss. I am sure someone on here will be able to help.
I would get a thermometer for the brooder. The only way to be sure what went wrong is a necropsy. In some places you can get them done for free at the ag college.

Otherwise, I would be thinking about the size difference between the KC and Pekins. They will be possibly almost twice the size of the KC. If you have a Pekin drake, that could be harmful to a KC female. But time will tell, and you may have to make some management decisions regardless.

Sounds like you are very conscientious. We lose them sometimes, and it is heartbreaking.
Thanks to both of you. Amiga, any thoughts on "sexing" the remaining bird? As I said, the one that died was noticeably smaller but perhaps it wasn't growing well enough to conclusively tell it was the female. I read you can tell by the bean on their bills for KCs but I don't see a tremendous difference there. And they're all still peeping quite a bit and sound alike. They have tail feathers too and they both look like they curl up.
We have (had) two Khaki Campbells and two Pekin ducklings that are two weeks since the farm store. Tiny when we got them and amazed at how big they've gotten. Out of nowhere last night, one of the KCs had a long seizure and never stopped trembling since. Went to farm store this morning for vitamins and when I got back, it was dead. Very sad. Kids will be heartbroke when they get home from school.

Not sure what went wrong. Was keeping heat in the brooder with a 250 watt last week and switched over to a 125 this week since they seemed hot at times. Keep plenty of water in there, changing it out a couple of times a day. And I think lots of food? Refill it when it's about 1/4 to an 1/8 left. And I clean the brooder twice a day. Meaning removing the poop and adding fresh bedding and once a week changing it out completely.

I took the brooder outside and hosed it out this morning, dried and reinserted the three remaining ducks. Going to add vitamins to their water from here out. I should add that two of the pekins have been panting or opening and closing their mouths at times, so I have been reducing the heat and making sure they can get out of it and plenty of water to clear their nostrils. They always seem to stop.

Anywhoo, not sure which KC died. I mean, it was smaller, but the more I think about it, maybe it just didn't develop right. Could have been the male. Not sure if I can tell for awhile yet. So what would you do in a situation like this? Besides grieve. Part of me wants to get a companion for the KC, but maybe its best to wait until we figure out what it is so we get the right match. So for now we have a drake and hen pekin and not sure on the KC. Thanks.
So you weren't giving them vitamins and/or extra niacin? My belief is that it is a symptom of niacin deficiency. My (now ex) husband brought home my first 3 ducklings a few years ago. I thought he knew what he was doing so I just went with how he said to care for them. At a couple of weeks old, one of them started having what looked like seizures and died. It was absolutely heartbreaking. After that I started researching duck care to try to figure out what went wrong, and began feeding the remaining two ducklings, and 7 more since then, extra vitamins and have not had a bit of trouble out of them.
No. I asked the guy at the farm store if we should add anything to the water - having read articles on here. And he said, no, they will be fine with regular water with a little ACV. You can bet the existing ducks have the vitamins in the water right now. The farm store when I called back today said they had three straight run Pekins left and one straight run welsh harlequin left. I asked my wife to possibly pick that one up on the way home. Willing to chance it and add more ducks later if the hen and drake numbers are out of whack. Or maybe I am being too jumpy. Just want a friend/companion for the smaller breed.
My only word of caution is that there is quite a size difference from day olds to 2 weeks old. In other words, your possible new one(s) might not be able to compete for food, or they could get injured by the older ducklings.

I think I would offer vitamins for awhile, and then plain water also. Alternate.

& I'm sorry for your loss. It does happen sometimes.
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Thanks. Wife is bringing the new guy home. I guess they said at the store he is at least a few weeks old. "Leftover" from a previous order that no one wanted. So at least he will have a good home. And I will cautiously introduce him. Even if my KC turns out to be a male, I figure the size difference will be a deterrent from those two swingin' bachelors hassling the female pekin and her partner. Or at least getting too aggressive with her. And we could add some other females into the mix. My wife said there was a pekin with him and when they pulled him out, the both started balling and she could still hear the pekin crying when checking out at the front of the store (hundred feet away). She told me this while pulling out of the parking lot on her cell phone and I asked her to go back and get that one but she said no. : )

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