Duckling Diaries: the Life and Times of a Welshie Trio

I used one of these when the scovy were smaller

& then I cut a hole on the side of a new gas can when they were larger & put the glass bowl in the far end of the gas can. They could put their head in the bowl, splash around in there, & the water only got all inside the gas can. Gas can was easy to remove & pour out the messy water after taking the bowl out.

It kept the splashing & head flinging water mess down since they were indoors.
I kept the head flinging water mess down by catching it with my eyeball or my mouth.
They are so adorable! I love how big their eyes are! And it's so funny and cute when they stick out their foot like that when they're sleeping. I wish mine were still really little like that. :(

Simple. Get more! :D
Everyone needs more ducks.

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