duckling not pooping as much??

-Is her food crumbles or pellets?

-What brand of feed is she currently on?

-Does she always have access water when she has access to food?

I would wet her feed everytime with water to make a mash. The wet mash is often easier to digest for birds with a sensitive digestion system. I also give a dose or two of Bene-Bac to any of my birds that are having digestion issues. I order mine off of chewy:
-Is her food crumbles or pellets?

-What brand of feed is she currently on?

-Does she always have access water when she has access to food?

I would wet her feed everytime with water to make a mash. The wet mash is often easier to digest for birds with a sensitive digestion system. I also give a dose or two of Bene-Bac to any of my birds that are having digestion issues. I order mine off of chewy:
Her food is crumbles and shes currently on Dumor's 20% Protein Chick Starter/Grower.
She has 24/7 access to water and food, I never let her go without one or the other.

I used to wet her feed when she was smaller so it was easier for her to eat but when I noticed her having excessive saliva/water coming out of her nose and mouth, I stopped putting water in her food and she was better.
I used to mash the pieces up smaller so it was easier to eat when I got rid of the water in her food but now that shes bigger, she doesn't have any problem eating them the way they are.
I can try to get a video in the morning if she does it again.
No, she doesn't shake her head at all unless when shes grooming. When shes grooming and shakes her head, sometimes water just seems to come out of her nose or mouth.
Well she did the hiccuping thing again,
I checked to see how much food she had last night before I went to sleep and I checked in the morning and it looks like she didn't eat much but she's still acting like herself.
I wonder if shes not that hungry because when I switched her back to her normal chick food (the feed shes on now) she ate a LOT and around a day or two ago, she hadn't been eating as much so maybe shes very full?
I gave her some food out of my hand and she ate it and that's when I noticed her doing the hiccuping thing, unfortunately I wasn't able to film it since I had to leave to go somewhere when it happened. She didn't shake her head at all, she was just staring at my mom since she moved and it startled her.
Have you looked or felt to see if anything is stuck it's throat? You can massage it's throat to try and help dislodge anything that might be there.
I will try that now.
So I tried it and I didn't really know what to feel for but I didn't feel any lumps? I also looked for any lumps on her throat and didn't see anything but I massaged her throat which she seemed to like.
She loves to nibble my finger and put my entire finger down her mouth for some reason and so she did and I felt something touch my finger and it felt like mushy food.. she didn't seem in distress but wouldn't nibble my finger after I felt whatever it was, she started to drink a lot of water after it happened.
Hoping it went down all the way instead of getting stuck again, I'll massage her throat again to see if anything is left.

She also wont eat her feed and gets scared if I put the bowl near her or try to hand feed her, I put some of her feed in her water and she ate all of it and was really happy.
I wonder if her feed did get stuck in her throat and now shes scared of eating dry food?
Not sure if she still has water/saliva pouring out of her mouth and nose anymore, it usually happens when I hold her or pick her up and I held her while massaging her throat and it didn't happen so I think she may be okay with that problem now.

EDIT: Noticed shes not doing the constant swallowing as much but still every now and then. Thinking she still has a bit stuck in her throat.
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It does sound like she got something stuck in her throat. It looks like you helped move it along. It is great that she is drinking more on her own. Hopefully the water will help dislodge it more. If you don't see progress, then you will want to try massaging her throat again.

Wet crumble for a while may be best for her right now. I use the dumor chick crumble too, and have noticed the batches being much harder lately. They don't seem to crumble as easily as they should.

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