Ducklings + Goslings

This one is from the day of the move

And I snapped these this morning...finally some good pictures of my ducks. This pretty girl was the runt.

And this pretty girl we call Big Mama. She seems to lead them around and choose where they waddle. She has been the most easily recognizable and photogenic sense they were ducklings. She also was the biggest when they arrived and ran everywhere she went.
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UPDATE: A curly tail feather has been spotted! Our male is now distinguishable!
What color is your drake?

This one is from the day of the move

And I snapped these this morning...finally some good pictures of my ducks. This pretty girl was the runt.

And this pretty girl we call Big Mama. She seems to lead them around and choose where they waddle. She has been the most easily recognizable and photogenic sense they were ducklings. She also was the biggest when they arrived and ran everywhere she went.
Aww I love fawn & white runners! The rest are really pretty, too! How many do you have again? 100?
Seems like alot more when they grow up!
What color is your drake?

Aww I love fawn & white runners! The rest are really pretty, too! How many do you have again? 100?:lau Seems like alot more when they grow up!

We've got a single black drake. I liked the green head I saw in all the pictures. It's easy to see now once you can pick him out from the ladies. He's still got a little fuzz on his head though.

It seems like half the birds I had now that they're outside. There's 13. When I made my order I got as many females of all of Metzer's colors available. Then, I threw a black drake in the mix just in case it wasn't overwhelming to the point I'd never want more. I plan on ordering a mallard drake and a penciled drake from another breeder and start my own flock.

The geese have been my favorite so far. I can't believe the personality in them. I'm pretty sure I want a couple more females but, having just got them out of the house, my wife needs a long break from baby birds :lol:
We've got a single black drake. I liked the green head I saw in all the pictures. It's easy to see now once you can pick him out from the ladies. He's still got a little fuzz on his head though.

It seems like half the birds I had now that they're outside. There's 13. When I made my order I got as many females of all of Metzer's colors available. Then, I threw a black drake in the mix just in case it wasn't overwhelming to the point I'd never want more. I plan on ordering a mallard drake and a penciled drake from another breeder and start my own flock.

The geese have been my favorite so far. I can't believe the personality in them. I'm pretty sure I want a couple more females but, having just got them out of the house, my wife needs a long break from baby birds
I'm thinking about geese .... why do you like them?

13! Well, I guess that just seems like alot cause I only have six ducks.

Yeah, when they've just moved out and you clean up the huge mess, you aren't crazy about getting more ASAP
I'm thinking about geese .... why do you like them?

They show more personal interest in us. I think having 13 ducks had created a strong herd-mentality. Having the two geese raised separately for a while, I think they became lonely when we would leave. My female would call out for minutes after losing sight of us. They let me snatch them up and stroke their necks. I picked them up every day and talked to them. I would always grab the male first but the female didn't like being left on the ground so she would cry. Even outside, when I walk away from her, she would follow me until I turn around. Then she'll stick out her neck an honk at me while walking away. Not to mention how stinking cute day old goslings are!
They show more personal interest in us. I think having 13 ducks had created a strong herd-mentality. Having the two geese raised separately for a while, I think they became lonely when we would leave. My female would call out for minutes after losing sight of us. They let me snatch them up and stroke their necks. I picked them up every day and talked to them. I would always grab the male first but the female didn't like being left on the ground so she would cry. Even outside, when I walk away from her, she would follow me until I turn around. Then she'll stick out her neck an honk at me while walking away. Not to mention how stinking cute day old goslings are!
Now I want some! Yeah, my ducks just march away together and ignore me (unless I have peas!) I wanted a goose before but I found out how mean ganders can be ... but then I thought I could just get females ... but then I realized they don't lay well. I want some now, but my coop is too small! I should build a bigger one and get geese. They sound so sweet!
I'm glad we got ours. Our male, however,seems to think he's more duck than goose. He follows them around but is always looking back at his girl. Almost as if he wants her to join them.
I know its been a while, but I was wondering what your Latest photos of Gilbert and Gloria look like? I am still antsy and trying to figure out which is Cosmo since her/his knob has grown in size it seems....

And right next to cosmo is our honorary goose Nemo, thinks he's a goose... will even chase the ducks away if the other geese haven't done it already. lol
I know its been a while, but I was wondering what your Latest photos of Gilbert and Gloria look like? I am still antsy and trying to figure out which is Cosmo since her/his knob has grown in size it seems....

And right next to cosmo is our honorary goose Nemo, thinks he's a goose... will even chase the ducks away if the other geese haven't done it already. lol
@chwychuro beautiful birds.. I had an Embden gander who thought he was a duck for 5 yrs till I brought him home a mate, then it still took him time to realize he wasn't a Muscovy.

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