Ducks On The Moon

"The ducks will eat them."

Love it! When we made our run area, we figured any plants left in there were fair game for the ducks. Our anconas have destroyed the hostas, nibbled at the trees, dug holes in various places... they love it back there. We move their water canteen every day or two so it doesn't get overly muddy and pitted in one area.

Awesome thread!! Spoiled brat's.
Can I ask - how in the world are you able to keep your ducks from eating your water plants? I spent $60 on some just like that, and it was like I had just purchased the most expensive duck treat ever. It didn't last the day! The only plant I can seem to keep in my pond is reeds, and only because they are out of control huge.
?? They are eating it, just not at the alarming rate yours did. I keep another pond just for growing stuff for them to eat. The water hyacinth is in another area as well. I pull off all the dead stuff and throw that into their water pan for the day.
?? They are eating it, just not at the alarming rate yours did. I keep another pond just for growing stuff for them to eat. The water hyacinth is in another area as well. I pull off all the dead stuff and throw that into their water pan for the day.

Ok, I was wishing there was some magical spell you placed over your pond plants to keep them floating there so pretty and alive
. I had to move all of our lilies that we have had for over 15 years because my KC drake had eaten every last leaf, stem and root. Well, he found our hidden stash in the holding tank of our waterfall while I was out of town this week, and ate every single one! My husband came home from work to find him sitting in the tank like the king of the world, and the outlet had gotten clogged by the remaining roots of our lilies, causing the tank to pump all of our pond water into the yard, leaving our precious koi and goldfish with less than a foot of water to swim in! AHHH!

these were the last remaining lilies... but even they are gone now. Make me sad :( At least he got home in time to save our fish. I don't know what I would have done if they all died!
That happened to us a while back as well.

Him: I'm going to get some water plants to make the ponds look pretty.
Me: The ducks are going to eat them.
Him: I'll get something they won't eat.
Me: They're still going to eat them.
Him: <Goes to garden store and comes home with water plants.>
Him: Look! Won't these look nice in the pond!
Me: They would if the ducks wouldn't eat them.
Him: Ducks don't eat these.
Me: Yes they do.
Him: How do you know?
Me: Because they're ducks, and eating plants is what they do.
Him: Not with these.
Me: How do you know?
Him: The guy at the store said people put these in duck ponds.
Me: Did he say that people put them in duck ponds and they don't get eaten?
Him: No, but I told him I wanted something pretty for a duck pond that they ducks wouldn't eat, and he said it was these.
Me: Does this guy have ducks?
Him: He didn't say, but I'm going out to put these in the ponds.
Me: The ducks are going to eat them.

<Two day later, walking around looking in ponds.>

Me: Where are all those plants you bought?
Him: The ducks ate them.
Ok, I was wishing there was some magical spell you placed over your pond plants to keep them floating there so pretty and alive
. I had to move all of our lilies that we have had for over 15 years because my KC drake had eaten every last leaf, stem and root. Well, he found our hidden stash in the holding tank of our waterfall while I was out of town this week, and ate every single one! My husband came home from work to find him sitting in the tank like the king of the world, and the outlet had gotten clogged by the remaining roots of our lilies, causing the tank to pump all of our pond water into the yard, leaving our precious koi and goldfish with less than a foot of water to swim in! AHHH!

these were the last remaining lilies... but even they are gone now. Make me sad :( At least he got home in time to save our fish. I don't know what I would have done if they all died!
Wow that boy needs to pay!!! 1 week of hard labor.
Really? That's odd...I can watch it just fine. The original video is private, but for whatever reason, when I watch it direct from the link I posted, I can view it. It's basically a super cute animated short about a man finding a planet of space ducks. :p

Well, it worked from the big computer. Had the issue with my phone, so who knows! haha

"The ducks will eat them."

Love it! When we made our run area, we figured any plants left in there were fair game for the ducks. Our anconas have destroyed the hostas, nibbled at the trees, dug holes in various places... they love it back there. We move their water canteen every day or two so it doesn't get overly muddy and pitted in one area.

Precious!! They look a lot like my guys!
"The ducks will eat them."

Love it! When we made our run area, we figured any plants left in there were fair game for the ducks. Our anconas have destroyed the hostas, nibbled at the trees, dug holes in various places... they love it back there. We move their water canteen every day or two so it doesn't get overly muddy and pitted in one area.

Those are some really beautiful ducks.

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