Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

Well I asked the guy I got them from and he said he got them from a reputable breeder but can't remember the name now. However, I put a pic on the Dutch Bantam Facebook page and got SLAMMED by a lady who said they were in no way dutch bantams. She was pretty rude about it. I will post some better pics this evening or tomorrow. In any case, I like them and think they are cute. Even if they are not 100% dutch bantams I am going to keep them and try to get some good ones.
I saw the post in the Facebook group you are referring to, and that was Jean Roboker who posted to you about your birds. Jean is the Grande Dame of Dutch, and if it's her feeling they are not true Dutch, then I would certainly bow to her judgement. Jean has been breeding Dutch for decades, and as you can see is very passionate about them.

Likely what you have are "Dutch Bantams" from a hatchery, and in Jean's mind, those are not true Dutch at all (and I am inclined to agree with her, fwiw.) Hatcheries have crossed Old English Game Bantam blood into some middling quality Dutch they bought from breeders years ago, and now what they are selling at first glance may look like a Dutch, but when examined closely it's easy to tell they are not (which is why I asked for better pictures, taken from the side, because side views are the easiest to tell pure from crossed.)

Please don't be upset with Jean, she has worked for many, many years to advance the cause of purebred Dutch, and as a lady in her late '80s, she can get somewhat cranky about it, which I hope you will forgive her for.
Free? OMG........... I paid a nice sum for my CLB and BCLB

One of these days I'll have to get a pic and post.
Good quality, purebred Dutch often start at $25 each and go up from there, I have paid as much as $100 for high end birds, and that was 8 years ago.
Yep, I paid 30 each for mine 2 years ago, and can't remember their lines for the life of me. Have to get back in touch with the breeder and find out again.

We've been in chaos here since a few weeks after we bought them, now that we are settled again we are contemplating showing them and what offspring we've deemed good enough to have kept. And we need to start getting new genes in here as well.
I accidentally aquired a dutch bantam a few months ago..He is 5 1/2 months old now. I am curious [as I know squat about the SOP on them] if he is PQ / SQ or anything inbetween. lol
So you peeps can fire away with whatever you see. His legs ARE dark slate, the pics do fade them out quite a bit :)
This is Dutchy:


He is a friendly soul and comes in the house every AM to let me know that it is TIMNE TO FEED ME!
Hatchery Dutch, aka Non-Dutch.

Wrong body, too long, too large and with that V back I would say he has a lot of Old English game in him. Wrong tail set as well. Comb wrong and comb/wattles too large. His earlobes are way too large. I will let others take over from there.

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