E-coli danger from washing chicken treat dishes in kitchen sink?

Why shouldn't you wash your chickens in the kitchen sink? I don't see any problem with it. I wouldn't use bleach on them tho. Don't want to bleach out their pretty colors.

But after the chicken you probably need to use bleach...it's the cheapest and best disinfectant commonly available. However it has to be left on the surface for 10 MINUTES to kill the germs. I use Clorox clean up and spray my sink once a week, leaving it to dry overnight, so I know all the germs are killed. I'm not a germaphob, but I see what the bad germs can do, every day at work, so I keep my food surfaces disinfected. (Not so picky about my floors or bathroom sinks)
You must let me in on the next member we torment.
Thank you all!
Buff H
Miss Priss
Ozark Hen
Seminole W
I wash all the animal dishes, bowls etc in my kitchen sink. I really don't disinfect afterwards, just sort of rinse with warm water. Never had a problem with any sicknesses in me or the critters. (dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, goats and poultry)
Very funny Dragon!

OK, OK...I haven't washed a chicken in the sink for 3 years so maybe I could get another award for that.
I set my chicken dishes on the kitchen floor until there are no human dishes in the sinks, then I wash them with a separate sponge, hot water and dish liquid and drain them dry. I think that's adequate.
I just use paper plates, and any forks ect, are just washed with my dishes in hot over 120 degree's water with dish soap............ haven't had any trouble here yet but my chickies are new only just over a week old but the neighbors who I care for when they go away on week ends for the last 4 years haven't had 1 problem. Kim
If your worried about it though use caution, sometimes its better safe than sorry.
Just an FYI - Bleach will corrode stainless steel over time. Many kitchen sinks are made of stainless steel.

I haven't read every post in this thread, so if this was already mentioned I apologize for repeating it.

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