Earliest or latest hatch you've ever had?


11 Years
Jun 7, 2008
Scappoose Oregon
A friend of mine had a Japanese bantam pop out at 16 days. It was ultra tiny even for a jap but it survived and all it's clutchmates hatched on days 18 and 19.

My grandfather turned off his bator on day 25 and when he went back on day 27 to clean out the non hatchers there was a healthy little chick sitting there.

What the earliest you've had a chick hatch?
My earliest hatcher was a silkie that hatched on day 17...the rest of the eggs hatched on day 20.
I had 18 chicks hatch on the day I took them off the turner and put in lockdown on day 18. I think it was more my counting than early hatching.
Wow. I love that story about your grandfather. Surprise chickie! That's so cool.

My hatches haven't been that interesting. Earliest pip was on day 20, latest hatch was on day 23.
Last summer we had two incubators going with quail eggs (125 total). Both were set at the same time. We put them on lockdown on day 13, DH said he saw 3 damaged eggs that we missed but put them in lockdown anyways. DH got up during the nite and heard noises in the incubators. WOW both incubators had 3 little chicks in them. We pulled them out in the morning, no other pips, put those 6 in the brooder. The rest hatched during the nite of day 15 and all day on day 16. 112 out of 140 eggs shipped (15 were damaged in shipment). We were very happy.

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