Early stages sour crop?

I'm pretty upset. She may not make it that long. It's getting worse. Her crop is really bothering her. She's not eating and drinking now because her crop fills up so fast when she tries.

The vet wants to make sure that they get the right dosage for antibiotics to reduce resistance. Does it matter if she's dead?

I know ACV in her water is suppose to help. What else can I do?
@TwoCrows ? Any suggestions?

I'm assuming the shot they gave her for worms was probably Ivermectin (Ivomec)? If so, that should take care of most internal parasites. Are they going to repeat the shot in 14days?

I'm trying to go back over what has been done over the last 3wks that this has been going on. Is the crop still emptying by morning?
Generally if it is sour crop and under vet care, something like Nystatin (an anti-fungal) or Clotrimazole would be subscribed. You need to treat the fungus/bacteria.

In TwoCrows article she talks about sour crop. You can try using an OTC yeast medication like Monistat. I have never used it, but have read some good things about doing this. Since she is in bad shaped, you may want to consider it. Read her article and see if this is something you want to do. There is also a thread about curing sour crop with Monistat that I will link below.

A couple of other things to consider would be Cocci as TwoCrows mentioned in an earlier post. Another would be her age (8yrs). But, since she has been doing well intermittently for the last 3wks, I would think the fungus is what needs to be taken care of (maybe Cocci too).

TwoCrows article:

Monistat thread:
She was sneezing and gurgling. Gave her some mountain view yogurt. It has severs different probiotics and seemed to help. No more sneezing and gurgling. Also, she's passing some loose/watery stools. The crop has gone down. Suspect she is passing fluid from her crop.
My fear is it's early stages of cancer. She still lacks the other issues that the ones I lost to cancer had. So maybe not.
Still not eating and drinking and wants to just stand around. (The crop is really getting to her now.) But, she's still very alert.
Does this sound like sour crop/slow crop or something else? Does yogurt really help?
Thank you for your reply.
She was sneezing and gurgling. Gave her some mountain view yogurt. It has severs different probiotics and seemed to help. No more sneezing and gurgling. Also, she's passing some loose/watery stools. The crop has gone down. Suspect she is passing fluid from her crop.
My fear is it's early stages of cancer. She still lacks the other issues that the ones I lost to cancer had. So maybe not.
Still not eating and drinking and wants to just stand around. (The crop is really getting to her now.) But, she's still very alert.
Does this sound like sour crop/slow crop or something else? Does yogurt really help?
Thank you for your reply.
How does her abdomen feel? Any bloating?

I'm not sure how long it would take for ACV and yogurt to work. Is there anyway you can reach your vet for follow-up?
They're not open until Monday. Her abdomen is normal. Most of the time her comb/face is normal. The pale face could be stressed. She doesn't seem to have a fever. The poops are loose but normal looking.
When my one last year had cancer, her comb was dark and abdomen very swollen. Weird poos, too. Also, didn't have crop problems until the end.
That's what I keep reminding myself. Don't want to lose another one.
The crop going down is giving me hope. Still wondering why this hasn't made her want to eat.
I am guessing she either she has an impaction of grass or some other object further down in the gizzard or, just as likely, a Coccidiosis infection.

If she were mine, I would run Corid through her, some Dolculax too for a couple of days, (See my article for the Dolculax), and use some sort of vaginal cream to keep the yeast down in the crop until you get her healthy again. And yes you can do all of this at the same time.
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Thank you so much

Really thought I was going to lose her last night.
Two Crows I was thinking about an obstruction, too. When they cleaned her crop last Thursday, there was whole peas (I had just planted), a feather and pieces of greens.
Can stress cause her comb/face color to change back and forth?
Thank you so much

Really thought I was going to lose her last night.
Two Crows I was thinking about an obstruction, too. When they cleaned her crop last Thursday, there was whole peas (I had just planted), a feather and pieces of greens.
Can stress cause her comb/face color to change back and forth?
Some birds can pale on an off easily, others can hold a bright red comb through the worst of illness. But I have found, at least in my flock, that a bird that has a color change back and forth does have something causing illness. Is your bird the lowest in the order? My lowest, even though I don't have a lot of aggression in my coop, but she still seems stressed at times and she is susceptible to color changes as well. She just went through a bout of either Cocci and or worms. Got her treated and her comb color seems stable now. But any stress lowers their immune system, which leaves them open to more cocci, more worms, more bacteria, more yeast, etc.... I also give my lowest liquid vitamins a couple of times a week too to help keep her immune system up to par. I use Poly Vi Sol (without the iron)...the liquid baby vitamins. They work very fast when dosed orally under the tongue, within 10 mins they hit the blood stream.
She's the top hen. Sometimes her skin and comb can be ashy and lighter in color.

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