Easter Egger 9wks old... Singing?


Mar 17, 2018
Statesboro, Georgia
We have six pullets 9wks old. 2 Wyandotte, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Easter Eggers. All of the girls make normal chicken sounds, little clucks, some fussy sounds, and still little chirps But one of my Easter Eggers makes some of the prettiest sounds... Almost singsong if that makes sense?! Like a songbird.. . Is this a thing?
We have six pullets 9wks old. 2 Wyandotte, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Easter Eggers. All of the girls make normal chicken sounds, little clucks, some fussy sounds, and still little chirps But one of my Easter Eggers makes some of the prettiest sounds... Almost singsong if that makes sense?! Like a songbird.. . Is this a thing?

Are you SURE it's a pullet and not a cockerel? Sometimes when a male is learning to crow it can sound beautiful, I had an old english bantam that made me smile every time he practiced crowing. (he never did stop "practicing" even after his crow became a loud and very real crow haha....oh my word, all day, all night, if he was awake, he was crowing as loud as he could)
So, I was iffy about her and posted some pics on here a week ago and everyone said oh no, definitely a henny! Not a Roo! Buy I had a feeling this beautiful music was going to be the tell tale!

I'm still praying she's an oddball and is a she that sings!
I’m pretty sure that’s a pullet, but someone more experienced like @JedJackson could you step in?
This bird is a little confusing to me in some ways but I'd lean pullet. Why? Color pattern is even, not patchy like a cockerel of that age.

On the other hand, the comb looks a little pinkish, the bird is very large for an EE, and it seems to be very confident and strong compared to the others. Its stance is loud and proud. That could just mean it is a fast developer and probably the dominant pullet in the group, or it could mean it's a slow developing cockerel.

So while I think this is a pullet, it definitely bears watching and possibly trying again in 2 or 3 weeks. Sorry I can't be definite at this point.

The singsong noises can happen with both sexes-- it's just a noise they make when they are very content and happy, as far as I know. I wouldn't put too much weight in that when considering its sex.

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