Easter Egger club!

Ironically, I encourage my birds to fly starting at a young age. They free range and my neighbors have wandering dogs, so they need to have some skills at getting away. All of my birds can fly at least 4 or 5 feet high, and some of them can go much higher. My EEs seem to have the best flying abilities, probably since they are light weight yet still have a large mass of flight feathers.

Heres one of 2 EE chicks. I have 2 more in my chicken yard named Honey and June. They are my most favorite and friendly girls. My Honey pulls on my pant leg when she wants to be held. And my June squats when I walk by. They make great pets!
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I have 10 Easter eggers & 2 mixed breed.
They were only 11 on that pic. The other Easter egger was roaming when I took that pic.

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