Easter Egger club!

I ordered 3 "auracauna" chicks from my local feed store....to bedeliveredthe end of April.

Can anyone give me advice on how to pick them out? They're supposedly sexed. Is there something I can look for to rule out Roos? I want pretty birds and colorful eggs. Do darker colored legs mean greener or olive eggs? Should I pick 3 different colors or look for puffy cheeks?

Does anyone have chick to adult pics or know where I can find a chart online?

There are a few EE chick to adult pic threads here. The leg color doesn't have anything to do with egg color. Their colors change so much when they start to get older. I had a silverish one and it's turning out to be black and white.

Just had to share, the pullet on the left is an EE that started out grayish and on the right is a Cinnamon Queen. I was so excited when we got this chick because I was sure she was going to be really pretty and unique...I thought wrong...from now on I will not sell an EE's until they are at least 8 weeks. I'm crossing my fingers she lays pretty eggs but I'm willing to bet she'll lay brown...

She's one of the 2 on the left. I sold the other one that looks just like her, she also feathered out looking exactly like a Cinnamon Queen minus the leg color and comb.
very nice pics! I just received my newest day old bunch of 24, one is a roo, which one I have no idea. will keep looking here for ideas how to find him as he ages. love the EEs!I have both standard and banty now of them.
Thank you I will watch leg growth. have one yellow with two darker spots on the head, every other chick has the stripes like a wild turkey polt.
I have two EE chicks, and neither turned out as I expected, but in my eyes, they are both gorgeous! The first one is now 11 weeks old, and the second is about 6 weeks old.
The little puffball on the right:

looked like this at 4 weeks:

and then grew into this girl at 11 weeks:

This little girl with a big brown stripe down her back:

is now this gray girl in front...at least she still has eyeliner:

We got the 1st one from a feed store, and the 2nd one came from Meyer Hatchery.

This boy was a light yellow chick. I dont have any pics but he had the chipmunk strips and was so cute.

This is him now.

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