Easter Egger club!

I was wondering if anyone knew if this was an EE she broke her neck and I want another one but not sure what breed she was part of an assorted bantam group
I have lots of extra
I have like 20 laying hens and they would all lay in 1 a fight when they 2 had to lay at a time so I used Easter eggs like the plastic eggs and put them in a different box every
day and they must think thr that hen already
Idk but I think it is pretty cool
I don't give any of my chickens medication cause they r organic
This is my EE and she is a little slow so I put 1 box in the corner for her
This is my oldest and (It seems wrong but) my favorite EE. She is about 2 months old I just can not decide on a name for her. Maybe y'all can help? She is so sweet and incredibly adorable to watch. She is already showing motherly instincts toward the younger chicks. I absolutely love love love her and the other 16 birds I have.
I have a few that look like her and I have no idea what to name them. One thing I thought of when I saw your picture was Toffee.
I move any new layer into a 8x8 dog kennel set up inside the run for a day or two so I can see what she lays.If the throw a real fit I have an "non laying old lady" to put in with them so they aren't alone.
Thanks to everyone who replied. Great suggestions. I just wanted to narrow it down in case there are any problems.
I don't know if it's true but I heard that the color of their ears is the color they will lay. Can't remember where I read that. Anyone heard that before?
It's true in most cases but it really only helps with brown and white layers. White earlobes= white eggs (like leghorns) Red/dark earlobes= brown eggs(like rocks). It unfortunately does not apply to EE with any accuracy.
So since I have large fowl and a bantam EE, I was curious how the bantam EE happened. I understand that LF EE are mixes, I figure the bantams are the same, but it would be interesting to know what breeds made them. Is there a such thing as a bantam ameraucana? I don't think Kiwi meets the standard for pure ameraucana, so that's why I'm curious.

Ameraucana bantams were created before the large. Hatchery EE bantams are likely bantam ameraucana mixes. Probably some LF EE in the mix. I was involved in creating the bantam ameraucana. The Ameraucana Breeders Club has a history of the breed on their web site.


Theses are my easter eggers. First is chicks and second is several months old. Yes, they are in my house. Our weather has been crazy and our couple is not quite complete. But nearly. They get outside time when it is nice out. The three roos will be rehomed soon
Ameraucana bantams were created before the large. Hatchery EE bantams are likely bantam ameraucana mixes. Probably some LF EE in the mix. I was involved in creating the bantam ameraucana. The Ameraucana Breeders Club has a history of the breed on their web site.

Wow! Thats really neat! So what color would you call my Kiwi, since she is probably ee and not ameraucana?


I know i already posted these just reposting for the color question. :)

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