Easter Egger club!

The top one is the daddy of your silver hen . He is kind of a Columbian pattern with silver and gold . There is a range of color in golden from nearly silver to the more golden one I posted .
So cool to hear about all the pullets starting to lay their eggs... ours are still a few months off but I am still taking weekly pictures. I was out of town for a week and they grew too much while I was gone. DH didn't take pics as he was working on the coop but they are getting so big! They sure do look different as a chick once their feathers grow out. I just love those cutie patooties! So, sharing a few pics as their proud mama. :)

Cuddles: This one always flies to perch on my head and goes back and forth between me and DH. Just waiting for her to poop on my head... inevitably it will be right when I am going to be heading out the door to go to work.

This is Cher

Cuddles on my grandson

Ms Brown



Pretty sure this one is a cockerel... based on what I have read ???

Tina Turner

Thanks for looking at my girls...and one boy. Now back to the run to round em up!
Hi everyone! I'm desperately looking to rehome a lot of Roos to their forever pet homes. Local only please, I'm in southeast PA. I have 8 EE roos 14wks, 4 EE roos 6 weeks (both mothers lay 6 eggs/week & both fathers have pea combs), 3 white silkie Roos 14 wks, 1 BO roo 1 yr in June, & 2 lav Orp Roos 1 yr June & July. I hope to get pics when the snow melts but will get some sooner if interested. If you know of anyone who's interested please let me know. TIA!
Did my EE finally lay her first egg? DD collected eggs tonight and thinks that this smallest one of the group might be the first egg. I told her I thought it a mighty large first egg for the EEs considering they are a smaller breed and young. AND we had gotten a way smaller first egg from one of the heavy breed girls. So I told her I was leaning towards a 'no', I didn't think this was the egg we have been waiting for but I said I would ask everyones opinion. Here goes: the egg in question is light brown with some dark speckles and a chalky layer on top.

It is the egg in the center of top row

the very last egg

Egg at very bottom
Well I have a couple EEs that lay eggs that color, one laid ones that size for well about a week now (they're 5.5? Months at this point I think?) and now they're the size of large grocery store eggs, she's rather a large bird though and has some feathering on her legs and a huge almost lay over single comb... She lays daily.
@rhetts what other breeds do you have? One of my EEs laid her first egg when she was only 7 months and it was huge. She had Orpington in her background.

There are 25 girls in the coop. 7 are EE that are 24+ weeks. The rest are barred, partridge, and white rock. Black sex link, dark cornish, and buff orpington. Almost all of the heavy breeds were laying in the beginning of Jan. but production fell to 2 or 3 eggs a day. We are slowly climbing back up in numbers. I know that those really big darker brown ones in the picture are from the white rocks. The EEs genetic background I know nothing about. I bought them off craigslist when they were approx. 4 weeks old. I should have asked more questions that could be helpful to me now but no biggie either. I had gotten 19 EEs. One of the males has white ear lobes. There was only one white/splashish feathered male in the group. Sadly, he didn't make it through the last -30s we had last week. The EE pullets are comparably the same size as the dark cornish. I often get them confused at a glance until I look closer to see for sure who it is.
There are 25 girls in the coop. 7 are EE that are 24+ weeks. The rest are barred, partridge, and white rock. Black sex link, dark cornish, and buff orpington. Almost all of the heavy breeds were laying in the beginning of Jan. but production fell to 2 or 3 eggs a day. We are slowly climbing back up in numbers. I know that those really big darker brown ones in the picture are from the white rocks. The EEs genetic background I know nothing about. I bought them off craigslist when they were approx. 4 weeks old. I should have asked more questions that could be helpful to me now but no biggie either. I had gotten 19 EEs. One of the males has white ear lobes. There was only one white/splashish feathered male in the group. Sadly, he didn't make it through the last -30s we had last week. The EE pullets are comparably the same size as the dark cornish. I often get them confused at a glance until I look closer to see for sure who it is.

Sorry to hear you lost your rooster..

I have no idea about the genetics behind any of my EE's either. Except they came from a hatchery.

Nameless was just telling me he wants to move to the Iron Range.....

I really need to do something about turkey Jakes! They are driving me nuts. if I can't sell them I guess I am going to send some to freezer camp in 2 weeks. One almost went this morning. He took a leap at me when I turned my back. He does not realize it but that move has removed him from the breeding pool. I suppose I have to let the bruise heal from where the bucket hit him before I clean him...

When I went out every Jakes head was whitish blue they were so worked up. JJ as normal tried to protect me, He gets between me and the jakes and tries to keep them away from me. I wonder why he does that? it is so weird.
I have a Black Copper Marans Rooster as well as a Wheaten Ameracauna Rooster. I also have Blue egg laying hens and Black Copper hens. My question is which cross would get the best Olive Egger? BCM Roo over a Blue Egg layer or Ameracauna Roo over a BCM Hen? Any combination or suggestions are welcomed. This is just a project I thought I might play with this year. Thanks for any and all help!!


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