Easter Egger Eggs Changed Colors from Blue/Green to Pinkish!


5 Years
Jan 12, 2016
Hi everyone!
I'm new to BYC and have a burning question I need help with. I can't seem to find much corroborating that it's happened to others but it happened to me! I got 4 chicks in March. RIR, Ameraucana, Black Jersey Giant and Buff Brahma. They all didn't start laying until they were about 24 weeks. My Ameraucana started off by laying green and sometimes blueish eggs. No mistaking it was her. Suddenly while I was on vacation in Summer, my mom said one of them laid a pink egg! Since then, I have gotten not a SINGLE green or blueish tinged egg! Only PINK! I waited to see if it would return to the other color, but it's been probably 5 months of her only laying pinks! And it's not that she's not laying anymore, because while obviously egg production has slowed because of Winter, there are still days where I get 4 and they're all tan and 1 pink!

What the heck? Anyone else ever had that?!
I would suggest that because she is a cross breed, it is a simple thing about her single gene for the blue green egg being deactivated by more dominant genes on the paired chromosome. I am sure she is not sick at all. I have an EE which did the same thing in the last year. The colour change for mine coincided with the pea comb turning into a multipoint comb. As the genes for pea comb and blue green egg sit next to each other on the one chromosome, the activation of the multipoint comb on the other chromosome may have deactivated or over-ridden the green egg gene.in mine the egg became palest buff and over time has darkened to be a light plum colour. I am glad I am not the only one who has experienced this. The egg on the left is her own daughter's egg who is only 1/4 Araucana and she is still laying blue green, whereas mother EE first laying blue green, then laying light buff, now pinky eggs is on the right is 1/2 Araucana. Go figure. Genes are fun, that's all.
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UPDATE for anyone following this post!

I decided to skip the vet and just let it be. But I'm wondering if it was the FOOD! Our local Wilco ran out of Layena CRUMBLES for the past few months (which is what they were started on) and I had to use the PELLETS. Well, about 2 weeks ago the crumbles came back into stock so I bought some and put that in for the girls. Today, I got my first GREEN egg from Louise since Summer! So I'm not sure if it was the food change, or a possible health issue that resolved but she gave me a green today! :)

Right?! And I've seen other people post similar things- that their eggs changed colors but then everyone says they must just have been mistaken about who was laying what... but I only have 4 who lay the same colors consistently. And the rest are all the same tan colors still but now I get 1 pink! It's so strange! It's been about 5 months since my last green/blue egg!
The pigment for the blue eggshell comes from bile. Green eggs are the result of the brown egg 'coating' applied to a blue eggshell instead of a white eggshell. Pink eggs are technically just a shade of brown 'coating.' If she is no longer producing blue eggshells, something may be wrong with her.
I know it sounds CRAZY but I only have 4 girls, and it really honestly and truly DID happen! She went from green to pink then back to green! I check eggs everyday and the normal tans stayed tan- just the green disappeared and the light pink replaced the greens.... then came back to green again!
Again- here is a pic from the first day that I got a pink egg. The tan is the color of the other girls, the green was the usual from the day before for reference. That particular day, 3 tans, and 1 pink!
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Ok so here was when they first started laying eggs. See, all tan and a green (there were more greens but just one made it into that particular carton that I was giving to a friend. The next picture was when Louise first started laying pinks. I grabbed a tan, a green one from the day before, and that day's egg which was pink!


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