Easter Egger rooster or hen?

Im pretty sure its a hen! just wanted to see what you guys think. First time chicken owner and got her 3 weeks ago. I dont know how old she is. Any guess?

This is definitely a hen. I'd agree around five months. Her comb isn't quite red enough to be laying, but she looks like she's getting close.
Anyone want to guess if this is a male or female. It is supposed to be female. It's an Easter Egger!

That has to be one of the cutest chicks Ev-ver! :love
I have 2 that I'm wondering about. They are 18 or 19 weeks old and I'm having the hardest time with the Easter Eggers! My other ones were pretty easy. These? Not so much! We already have a Buff Orpington rooster that is a pain and I don't want 2 more! They have had a couple of roo-ish tussles between them, but don't have distinctive combs, no crowing (I don't think) and no spurs. The combs just started to get a bit red over the past 2 weeks. (When I got this group, the guy said he'd swap out any roosters and we had some that crowed at 12 weeks and back they went! I hope we don't have luck that bad to get roosters twice!)

The other 2 we have are laying and we have no doubt they're hens! :) Pics below of the 2 in question. I tried to get decent pics from several angles. (The first pic it's the white one, Daisy (or Daryl? lol) that's in question. Marigold, the gold one, is laying) The other tan/white/grayish one, Petunia (maybe Peter?) is the other one I'm questioning. I'd really appreciate any input you have! Thanks!

I have 2 that I'm wondering about. They are 18 or 19 weeks old and I'm having the hardest time with the Easter Eggers! My other ones were pretty easy. These? Not so much! We already have a Buff Orpington rooster that is a pain and I don't want 2 more! They have had a couple of roo-ish tussles between them, but don't have distinctive combs, no crowing (I don't think) and no spurs. The combs just started to get a bit red over the past 2 weeks. (When I got this group, the guy said he'd swap out any roosters and we had some that crowed at 12 weeks and back they went! I hope we don't have luck that bad to get roosters twice!)

The other 2 we have are laying and we have no doubt they're hens! :) Pics below of the 2 in question. I tried to get decent pics from several angles. (The first pic it's the white one, Daisy (or Daryl? lol) that's in question. Marigold, the gold one, is laying) The other tan/white/grayish one, Petunia (maybe Peter?) is the other one I'm questioning. I'd really appreciate any input you have! Thanks!

All pullets. By 16 weeks, cockerels are unmistakable with their long, thin saddle feathers and 'Fabio' style hackle feathers.
I sure hope so!!! We've had them since Valentine's Day and estimated them around 7 weeks when we got them. I thought I heard a soft crow from someone after our big bossy rooster crowed a couple of weeks ago, but maybe not. I've seen these 2 sparring a bit, leading with their feet in sort of a rooish way (when the girls "fight", it's just chasing and a bit of pecking, not the sparring I've seen when we've had boys)
I have 2 that I'm wondering about. They are 18 or 19 weeks old and I'm having the hardest time with the Easter Eggers! My other ones were pretty easy. These? Not so much! We already have a Buff Orpington rooster that is a pain and I don't want 2 more! They have had a couple of roo-ish tussles between them, but don't have distinctive combs, no crowing (I don't think) and no spurs. The combs just started to get a bit red over the past 2 weeks. (When I got this group, the guy said he'd swap out any roosters and we had some that crowed at 12 weeks and back they went! I hope we don't have luck that bad to get roosters twice!)

The other 2 we have are laying and we have no doubt they're hens! :) Pics below of the 2 in question. I tried to get decent pics from several angles. (The first pic it's the white one, Daisy (or Daryl? lol) that's in question. Marigold, the gold one, is laying) The other tan/white/grayish one, Petunia (maybe Peter?) is the other one I'm questioning. I'd really appreciate any input you have! Thanks!

It looks like you are cockerel free. I really like your black and white EE (in the bottom picture) she is stunning!

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