Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Is it possible for a bird that looks like a roo at 4.5 wks to actually be a pullet? Or do the mistakes only go in the opposite direction - chicks that look like pullets are actually roos?

I had one chick when I was absolutely new to chickens that developed a comb very early, and acted like a head honcho right away. I was convinced it was a roo.....and continued to be convinced until it layed an egg. I think that is the exception to the rule though, and this particular one was not an EE. She continues to be my best egg layer over 2 years later. The only problem is she is a good broody and momma, but her roo ratios are terrible - 4 roos out of 5 eggs this go around - 3 roos out of 4 eggs last year
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Based on what i have read so far, my 6 week EE has pullet coloring. The only thing that is throwing me off is that her comb is already turning pink. I *think* it only has 1 row of peas, but it could be too early to tell? What do you think?



I'm glad she looks like a pullet, she is one of my favorites! Checked on her a few minutes ago and her comb is REALLY pink, but so are 3 of my other sexed "pullets" (mixed flock). Out of 6 only 2 still have yellow combs. I will try not to worry, lol.
Let me start by sayig I may be the WORST chicken photographer ever! I just can't get a decent shot!

But anyway, here goes.

These are my EE chicks that I am curious about. I have 3 all together. The white one I am pretty sure is female- between looks and demeanor, lol

But this first little one, I am really unsure!


And this is my little buddy.....I may spam you with pictures of the little fella in hopes of convincing him (atleast thats what I think) to do some transgender trick and becoming the little hen I want him to be!

I hope the pics show up. I may need some tutoring if they dont;)

Please let me know what you think (of the chicks, not my horrible photography skills!)


**edited to add that they are just over 7 weeks**
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