Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I just had to tell my daughter that her favorite chick was a rooster today as well. Sorry.

What do you do in a case like that? I know that is blunt, but where does the Guy go or what is his fate?
What do you do in a case like that? I know that is blunt, but where does the Guy go or what is his fate?:hit :cd

We live in the Country and I love roosters, but have not had much luck with getting a nice one. I will keep him around unless he starts challenging me or the kids. If he is any way aggressive, he will be gone. The last one was hatched by a broody and he was a sweetheart. This one? Time will tell.
We live in the Country and I love roosters, but have not had much luck with getting a nice one. I will keep him around unless he starts challenging me or the kids. If he is any way aggressive, he will be gone. The last one was hatched by a broody and he was a sweetheart. This one? Time will tell.

That's what I did -- kept him until his behavior became problematic. And the kids knew all along that he only stays if he's nice... He never did challenge a human but he got aggressive with his ladies (!) to the point that they were hiding from him and then he killed a grown pullet I tried to integrate. No sense rehoming a mental rooster. Handling some unpleasant situations is just part of having chickens.
Can I get some help with gender on a few members of my first flock? I bought as "Ameracauna", but later was told theyre EE. These 2 are 15.5 weeks, male or female??
Pullets are female chickens that are in the adolescent phase.
Lol, thank you FVRM. I'm new to chickens but I did know that. My question was in regards to some pictures I posted. They are being identified as pullets and I was wondering what was "seen" that identified them as pullets instead of Roos.

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