Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

So if you have a digital camera then put the flash down and get near a good light source, put it on manual setting and play with the controls till you find the one that changes the setting that is displayed in fractions (this lets the camera wait enough time to snap the pic to gather light without so much glare from the flash), make it a bit bigger fraction till you are getting a picture that is not dark. If you are taking it with a phone then you can do the same thing if it is new enough.
I had to go back and look again.

What I am looking at is the patchiness of the coloring on the black and white ones. Females tend to have very fine, even patterns, with no big blocks of color on the wings, and I am seeing patches of white on both of yours. However, we have seen a couple of blk & wht pullets on this thread that did have some patches disrupting the pattern, so it's always best to verify by looking at the comb. If you can get pics on the 2 in question, we might be able to tell now.

A pullet at 7 weeks will have a pale or peach colored comb with a single thinnish raised ridge down the center (expected for pea comb). Cockerels will usually have a puffier comb, with what looks like a large center ridge with two lesser ridges running down either side. Cockerels' combs turn bright raspberry pink while pullets usually stay pale or peachy. At 7 weeks, most of the time the comb will start showing in cockerels, but not always. Maybe since your red guy is more developed, he may be depressing the development of the others (this is a theory, don't know if it really happens).

Females and males have spur buds, so you cannot sex them this way. Males don't usually start growing their spurs until about a year old. Keep them til they crow if there is any doubt. I have heard of boyish looking birds grow up and lay eggs!
thank you. I didnt get home until almost dark last night and it was raining! I will get some tonight. i was certain for a couple weeks it was 2 and 2... i will have to check out the combs. thanks!
Lizard - The ones that seem to have red as a base color are some of the hardest because you end up having to wait them out... if it;s easy enough to handle, try parting the feathers and seeing what color is coming in on the newest feathers. I have a bird that was buff, then it got red patches and I started to worry a bit until I noticed all the little new feathers I couldn't see yet were all coming in as that color. I was hoping she would stay gold, but eh- we can't change what is. Waiting on the new pictures...
OK - This weeks pictures of my silly bird are early because Curious and NewMarch posted their birds. :-D

Here is the bird I'm still watching - nearly 8 weeks now.

The newest development: Look at the new tail feathers, this bird has splash somewhere in it's background. I would LOVE for more of this to come through! And this weeks gratuitous comb shot.

Body shot and wings... (OH! LIZARD - The bird next to it is the one that is turning red)

Ah, so still waiting this one out and not giving up. I think after the next minimolt I'll put together a small compilation of growth pictures including the development of the comb, etc.
Bruins - It looks like white patches are developing on the wings. If the coloration stays you are OK, if you get anything other than black and white it usually will happen around week 7 and then you'll know you have a roo. BEAUTIFUL breast on this bird. IT's going to be a real looker. Keep us posted with updated pics! Were these straight run? In general you'll need to wait until around 7 weeks unless they are already changing comb color. Looks like you got some neat colors.
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OK - This weeks pictures of my silly bird are early because Curious and NewMarch posted their birds. :-D

Here is the bird I'm still watching - nearly 8 weeks now.

The newest development: Look at the new tail feathers, this bird has splash somewhere in it's background. I would LOVE for more of this to come through! And this weeks gratuitous comb shot.

Body shot and wings... (OH! LIZARD - The bird next to it is the one that is turning red)

Ah, so still waiting this one out and not giving up. I think after the next minimolt I'll put together a small compilation of growth pictures including the development of the comb, etc.

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