Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

around what age does the comb turn red if it's a roo?

Little one there is now 4 weeks old.
That is most definitely a boy
They all look like roos.
Your luck seems to be as good as mine with EE's lol! I bought 2 this year(from a sexed pullet bin no less!) and both turned out to be roos.
Thank you all for your help. Now I'll just have to get rid of these Roos!
I am on the fence about it! some days I say Roo others I question it. what screams roo to you aoxa?
He has red patches coming in on his shoulders and his pattern is very uneven.

I have quite a few boys like this right now at the same age as well.

Here is an example of my first EE rooster with much the same colouring as your own. First picture is at 5 weeks, next photo is at 8 weeks.

Here he is all grown up.
So I had posted pictures of my 3 ee's a few weeks ago and most everyone had said they were typical pullet patterns. Now I am wondering about one- today I noticed some light reddish coming in on her back and wings. Not really high on her shoulder, but near them. Not super splotchy-quite evenly patterned but I wondered what others opinions are on her... She is 11 and 1/2 weeks old. Thanks :)

quite a beautiful rooster! wish I could keep him, I go in the run, sit in my chair and he comes and jumps up into my lap and hangs out with me for a bit. I will hold onto him as long as I can! still waiting on that vet to get back to me on neutering him! His name is Custard! my 8 year old daughter named him, it's hers!
So I had posted pictures of my 3 ee's a few weeks ago and most everyone had said they were typical pullet patterns. Now I am wondering about one- today I noticed some light reddish coming in on her back and wings. Not really high on her shoulder, but near them. Not super splotchy-quite evenly patterned but I wondered what others opinions are on her... She is 11 and 1/2 weeks old. Thanks

Big comb for 11-12 weeks, but that is definitely a girl. Pattern is smooth and even colored. No splotches of dark red (though there is some light red, but that's okay). Hackles and saddles would be starting if that was a roo.
So I had posted pictures of my 3 ee's a few weeks ago and most everyone had said they were typical pullet patterns. Now I am wondering about one- today I noticed some light reddish coming in on her back and wings. Not really high on her shoulder, but near them. Not super splotchy-quite evenly patterned but I wondered what others opinions are on her... She is 11 and 1/2 weeks old. Thanks

It's a girl! :) Beautiful colouring!

Is it possible there is anyone still watching this thread? I am looking for a 2nd opinion on whether or not one of our pullets is, instead, a cockerel. I don't know if EEs routinely grow a larger comb or wattles, so I am seriously confused. As you can see, there isn't any comb or wattle growth to mention, and this bird is approximately 3.5 months old. Do all EEs have the red tinting on their beaks? It looks cool, and I really don't want to get rid of the bird if it's a pullet. Any ideas?


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