Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Yeah I'm certain they are mixes. Can you point out what saddle feathers are? The one in question has some beautiful green shimmery feathers growing out of his tail. Also, can you explain the difference between pea comb and single comb? Thanks, I'm new to this!
Okay here is my EE rooster JR, the saddle feathers are the shiny/pointy bright orange feathers hanging between the wings and the tail.

Here is a female Pea comb, see how its small and close to her face?

here's a male Pea comb

and here's a Single comb
I agree. I thought roo too when I saw the comb, but then I looked at the age you gave and then I reconsidered. The comb could be changing because it's getting to point of lay (not quite there yet however because not red enough).
I also agree that it's not "pure" EE so if girl, then you probably won't get blue eggs, at best it'll be green but more likely it will be brown eggs. Those are neat looking feathers on him/her. Almost looks like the crele pattern.

Yeah I'm certain they are mixes. Can you point out what saddle feathers are? The one in question has some beautiful green shimmery feathers growing out of his tail. Also, can you explain the difference between pea comb and single comb? Thanks, I'm new to this!
I didn't see the whole tail in the picture, but if it's growing shimmery tail feathers that start to curve up and downward, then it might be a rooster unfortunately.
I have just three chicks in the brooder and two are Easter Eggers. I am seriously starting to think both of these Easter Eggers are Males. Am I right? Purchased from Cal Ranch Jul 8th supposed to be pullets. There is tons of noise and posturing and running at each other more than our other chicks have been and the combs are looking red. Not sure about the bantum

I wanted some opinions on if my True Ameraucana, these r not EE r both Pullets? They r about 13 weeks now (I think) I got them when they were around 8 weeks old but don't know a hatch date. I am 99% sure the black 1 is a Pullet but not 100% on the blue 1 yet. Any help would be great, these r my first pea comb birds so I am trying to learn.

I wanted some opinions on if my True Ameraucana, these r not EE r both Pullets? They r about 13 weeks now (I think) I got them when they were around 8 weeks old but don't know a hatch date. I am 99% sure the black 1 is a Pullet but not 100% on the blue 1 yet. Any help would be great, these r my first pea comb birds so I am trying to learn.
I would say pullet for this one also. A cockerel comb is usually a lot brighter at this age. Seems pullet shaped body also.
I have just three chicks in the brooder and two are Easter Eggers. I am seriously starting to think both of these Easter Eggers are Males. Am I right? Purchased from Cal Ranch Jul 8th supposed to be pullets. There is tons of noise and posturing and running at each other more than our other chicks have been and the combs are looking red. Not sure about the bantum


What a beautiful color that little bantam has. Is that lavender?

At 3 weeks, it is very early to tell, but after looking at enlarged views, I am suspicious of the white EE. The comb looks like it has three raised rows of bumps, where the brown chick (from what I could see) seems to just have the single raised ridge down the center of the comb. Also, the white chick is standing up and over the the brown, who has a more horizontal stance. Really just a hunch, though, but you will have to wait a week or two more to know for sure. Hope I'm wrong, but please keep us posted as I would like to know.

Just wanted to add that pullets will spar and chest bump at this age, so not an indicator of gender. My EE chicks were bigger and quite aggressive as young chicks. Their favorite trick was flying up high and landing on an unsuspecting broodermate with a big whump. Caused a lot of squealing. We called it "chicken bombing."

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