Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


The front chick is a 12-wk old EE mix. Probably pullet, right?
You just HAVE to come up with a "wise old wizard" name for her. Those bushy "eyebrows", big beard. What else could she be? I'm sure she wouldn't mind having a male name. Chickens are the epitome of "call me what you want, just don't call me late for dinner".
I hate her name but I let my daughter name her and once I told her that she was hopefully supposed to lay colored eggs she got dubbed Easter...sigh very original 24 year old daughter lol.
I like that. Red, white, and blue chicken. Hmm... Now I am getting some ideas.
I love that she can be an inspiration! I think you are on to something...let me know if you come up with a plan lol.
I have an update on my orange and white chick. At this point I'm guessing pullet despite the red patches, it seems like it's in the process of coming in as an overall pattern. The comb is sort of wide, but flat and undeveloped. Interested in what you all think.



Edit: forgot to mention, they are 8.5 weeks old now
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So we hatched a few OEs around Easter (about 13 weeks old now, but pics at about 12 weeks old) which are a BA/BCM cross, and I think we ended up with all cockerels.

No crowing (yet?).

#1 which I'm 99% sure cockerel - feathering, big boy, legs (neck was sticking out during the photo):

#2: 75% sure cockerel - big legs, saddle feathers?, tail:

#3 - holding out hope that it is a masculine-faced pullet, but don't think so. Only have one not-so-good pic. It is smaller than the other two cockerels though.

Thoughts appreciated!
So we hatched a few OEs around Easter (about 13 weeks old now, but pics at about 12 weeks old) which are a BA/BCM cross, and I think we ended up with all cockerels.

No crowing (yet?).

#1 which I'm 99% sure cockerel - feathering, big boy, legs (neck was sticking out during the photo):

#2: 75% sure cockerel - big legs, saddle feathers?, tail:

#3 - holding out hope that it is a masculine-faced pullet, but don't think so. Only have one not-so-good pic. It is smaller than the other two cockerels though.

Thoughts appreciated!

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