Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Quote: Most chickens don't lay every day, so every 3 days is not unusual. She also might be laying outside and you just don't see them.

Integration can be tricky, but there will always be a top bird and a bottom bird. It's just the way they roll! If you pen the new ones near the others where they can see but not peck, they will have a chance to get used to each other. Then introduce in a neutral area, preferably with some nice distracting treats. There might be chasing and a bit of pecking, but as long as no blood is drawn, they should be fine in a few days. It can look kind of brutal, but they usually work it out. If, after time, you have one that is being overly aggressive, you can try removing her to solitary confinement (like my garage) for a week, letting the others form a new pecking order, before reintroducing the bully.

naughty hen in solitary
Most chickens don't lay every day, so every 3 days is not unusual. She also might be laying outside and you just don't see them. Integration can be tricky, but there will always be a top bird and a bottom bird. It's just the way they roll! If you pen the new ones near the others where they can see but not peck, they will have a chance to get used to each other. Then introduce in a neutral area, preferably with some nice distracting treats. There might be chasing and a bit of pecking, but as long as no blood is drawn, they should be fine in a few days. It can look kind of brutal, but they usually work it out. If, after time, you have one that is being overly aggressive, you can try removing her to solitary confinement (like my garage) for a week, letting the others form a new pecking order, before reintroducing the bully. naughty hen in solitary
Thanks for Laying tip. They are in separated by hardware cloth for 3 weeks now so I thought they were good to go but the top hen continuously chased the smaller built one. She squawked so loudly, I felt so bad for her. I just have to grin and bare it I guess. I will try again this weekend and just make sure no blood is drawn. I am getting 2 more of the Aussies sisters this weekend will the same principal apply? Predator issue they don't free range
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Please help!

I think these two are old enough to sex now?
And yes, they do both almost look exactly alike!


They are both pretty flighty so it's hard to get a picture of them. For some reason, no matter how many times I give them mealworms or crickets, they just absolutely hate humans. And sadly, they've convinced my Australorp as well. Which really sucks because I got these two breeds specifically because I heard they were some of the sweetest birds ): Oh well, I love them regardless. Hopefully they'll get more tame as they grow (I've had them since they were a few days old)?
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The EEs both look like pullets at this point. Small pale combs, female feather pattern. They will probably tame down a bit once they start laying. Mine aren't particularly friendly and don't care to be handled, but I know others who have some very sweet EEs. If you want lap chickens, Cochins or Orpingtons are a good bet.

(My mom went to Baldwin Park High School. Loooonnnng time ago!

ok so the 2 rooster were rehomed to a farm and replaced with 2 Aussies(5 months old and fluffy). The one with big red comb has started laying every 3 days. Is this normal? Also I have kept them separate from the EE's all this time but joined them today and why did I do that? The only layer went after the smallest one. The EE are 4 months. Will I ever be able to integrate them?
It almost never works to just put new birds together. It took me months of having them behind a protective fence but visible to the new girls to let them get used to the newbies. My older girls wanted to kill my rooster till he got as big as them, then they finally just started the normal pecking order kind of mean. The newbies are seen as intruders and will be treated as armed and dangerous till the existing flock gets used to them. I kept mine in the coop in a dog crate when they were small enough, then when it was just the head hen left to get over herself...she went in the dog crate. They eventually get used to them and see them as part of the flock...just the redheaded step sisters for a long time more.
Please help!

I think these two are old enough to sex now?
And yes, they do both almost look exactly alike!


They are both pretty flighty so it's hard to get a picture of them. For some reason, no matter how many times I give them mealworms or crickets, they just absolutely hate humans. And sadly, they've convinced my Australorp as well. Which really sucks because I got these two breeds specifically because I heard they were some of the sweetest birds ): Oh well, I love them regardless. Hopefully they'll get more tame as they grow (I've had them since they were a few days old)?
Yup, both pullets.
Most chickens don't lay every day, so every 3 days is not unusual. She also might be laying outside and you just don't see them.

Especially at 5 months! That is generally on the early side for a hen to start laying and they take a bit to get into a regular cycle. The earlier of my BAs started at about 5 1/2 months. She was "2 on 1 off" for a while, then "3 on, 1 off" but never really hit a "guaranteed" pattern. Sometimes it is "4 on 1 off" or "7 on, 3 off"

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