Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


I'm a victim of mislabeled chicks from The feed store. Someone told me these are
EE's... But they don't seem to have the characteristics I read about on here. Thoughts?

I'm a victim of mislabeled chicks from The feed store. Someone told me these are
EE's... But they don't seem to have the characteristics I read about on here. Thoughts?

Forgot to add the other chick pic.
They are both roughly 7 weeks.
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My 19 week old Easter egger layed an egg!!

Her egg is the blue one. The first one is from my barred rock, second is a black silkie, third blue egg is from her.
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Im new here. Kids left home so got me some chickens. Could you tell my if this ee from the feed store,:rolleyes: is a he/ she. I know the sex of all the others but not this one. I have been on this sight now for 3 months. Finally joined. Love readying the threads. Buy now you think I would know, but these red ones are really hard to sex.



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