Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

nearly 6 months and no crowing? Make sure the nest boxes are open, I see no roosters there.

Which one did you think was a cockerel? Maybe #2 because of the less uniform feather patterning?
@bruceha2000 thank you for your response. Nesting boxes are definitely open for buisness or I should say "box" as they all refuse to lay in any boxes other than one. I was thinking that #4 was actually the boy. It had a red comb at about 5 weeks old. The feathering doesn't look right to me for a roo though. No crowing, but that didn't seem out of the ordinary for me as I have two dominant roosters.

nearly 6 months and no crowing? Make sure the nest boxes are open, I see no roosters there.  

Which one did you think was a cockerel? Maybe #2 because of the less uniform feather patterning?

@bruceha2000 thank you for your response. Nesting boxes are definitely open for buisness or I should say "box" as they all refuse to lay in any boxes other than one. I was thinking that #4 was actually the boy. It had a red comb at about 5 weeks old. The feathering doesn't look right to me for a roo though. No crowing, but that didn't seem out of the ordinary for me as I have two dominant roosters.

The white one is 10-12 weeks old

The two gray ones are 8-9 weeks old.
I have three EE's and need some help sexing them! The suspense Is killing me. What do you think??
Here are some more pictures of my EE. Roo or hen ??

This is pebbles, our only easter egger. S(he) is approx. 13 weeks old, and this is my first time keeping chickens (raised quail as a kid), and just wanted to verify the sex of our bird- we can't have roosters where I am so it is important for noise control. Thanks in advance!

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