Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


I have a very pretty lady that looks like her! I would think for 10-12 weeks you would be seeing an obvious red cockerel comb.
That is great- I will look forward to seeing that 1st egg. /\/\/\ beautiful girl /\/\/\ I've gotten attached to Pebbles and really wasn't looking forward to have to re-home if it was a roo

Thanks for all your help :)
Back again with Cagney who has me really wondering now what she/he is! 7 weeks old now and looking like this. Boy or girl? Still facing off with the 2 definite cockerels but none of my other pullets do.

Roo or pullets. Maybe someone can tell me for sure. I crossed Rhode Island Red Rooster with amerucan/ easter eggers i kept 3 they all developed bright red combs. Im thinking 3/3 boys:(

I see 'rooster' red coming in on the shoulders and the chest looks like it's going to turn black/blue. Probably a cockerel, as well.
Looks like re-homing time for some cockerels then...ended up with 5 out of 8 being boys. Luckily my blue cockerel is well mannered, rounds up the whole flock and seems to have taken the lead. Just breaks my heart to give up some of them, but I know for the good of the flock I need to do it. :(

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