Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I know this has nothing to do with sexing chickens but I get the most responses from this thread. My hens have only been laying 2 months or so and I haven't had this issue, but I bit into a hard boiled egg today and it was so high in iron that it tasted like blood. After 3 hours of tasting it... I still have metal mouth. What could this be? I do have well water. Could that be it? Tips please!
I know this has nothing to do with sexing chickens but I get the most responses from this thread. My hens have only been laying 2 months or so and I haven't had this issue, but I bit into a hard boiled egg today and it was so high in iron that it tasted like blood. After 3 hours of tasting it... I still have metal mouth. What could this be? I do have well water. Could that be it? Tips please!
Also eggs have been hard boiled for 4 days and were laid no longer than a week ago.
Our 2 Easter Eggers at 4 1/2 weeks. One is getting a little more color in the comb. Thoughts on gender?


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Here is a picture of my 9 wk old chicks. Pretty sure I have a rooster and 2 hens.

Rosie (Rooster??), FanFan in background, and Mama

9-12-17 Rosie, FanFan, Tiny.jpg

9-12-17 FanFan.jpg

Rosie, Blondie (background), and Mama
9-12-17 Rosie, Blondie, Tiny.jpg
I always said, I'd never be "that" person. And, here I am. We've had chickens, but never EE's. I'm officially confussed about 2 of them. HELP! Please! :bow

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