Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I got two 6 weeks ago that looked similar to yours. One is a she. One is a he. I think it is too early to tell on your cutie!
Redves, I say pullet.

Chickengarden: I'm a little stumped, 3 rows of peas in the comb plus those ginormous hoofers are signs of roo, but that sweet face and lack of shoulder color make me wanna say Pullet. I'm going with pullet, but am interested in what the experts have to say and of course hope that you post when you get an egg or a crow.
Mother too soon to tell sorry, you have to wait till they get older and feathered.

Red hard to see the face or tail from the angle and shadows.

Chickengarden I would say Zartan is a very lovely roo
Well, after looking at the pics in this post, I can't wait to get my 3-4 week old EE's on Sunday!! They are not sexed and I will be very interested to learn if I have boys or girls, and how many! Hopefully not too many Roos as I will have to get rid of them then. Hope you guys can help me sex them. So, I am guessing that you can't really tell until about 5 weeks? Is that correct? Or, do they have to be a little older?

Okay, never mind, they'll have to be older looking back through some of the other pics! I guess I'll have to wait a little longer!!
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It's a pretty good bet that a three rowed pink/red comb on an EE at 9-10 weeks is a boy, even if there's no red coming in anywhere on the wing/shoulders, correct? I have one all-white EE (could also be white americauna as the eggs were from a byc'er that has both) that I am assuming is a boy based on the comb - but I see others have three row combs on girls as well. With my previous EE's, all the early three rowers turned out as boys.

Certainly, as with other chickens, any sort of red coming in early is probably a boy, yes? Will get a pic later on my next trip outside. Have already looked at his tush to see if there's any saddles coming in under the feathers, but as he's all white kinda hard to tell.

I'm actually ok with him being a him - that coop needs a roo and he's out of a blue egg with a pea comb - most of the rest are as well so bring on the colored eggs =).

Here's the pics. Have been assuming he's a he - am I correct? He's just under 10 weeks old.

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