Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Hi, could you kind folks help us sex our 3 ees? They are all between 6 and 7 weeks old.

Chick 1

Chick 2

And here's chick 3

Thanks for looking. Any opinions are appreciated!
Here are my guesses...
1. Pullet - nice small pale comb, no dark red coming in on the shoulders.
2. Cockerel - Dark comb, dark mahogany on his shoulders.
3. Leaning toward pullet. Has female coloring and no dark red shoulders, but the comb already has 3 rows of peas. However it's the same color as the gray pullet. Not 100% positive though.
Ok, I'll play. I have 3 EEs that I absolutely adore. I was told (of course) that they were all female, but I'm having a sneaking suspicion about one of them. I got to snap a few pics tonight. Unfortunately I forgot to get the camera out when they were outside in the sun, so these are taken inside with flash. So the colors won't be exact. Anyway, this one (my daughter calls her Butterfly) is about 6 weeks old and just over the last day or so, her (his) comb has turned a bit pinker (and wider) than the others. Butterfly's coloring is also more splotchy...black head, white neck, grey body. So without further delay...

Ok, I'll play. I have 3 EEs that I absolutely adore. I was told (of course) that they were all female, but I'm having a sneaking suspicion about one of them. I got to snap a few pics tonight. Unfortunately I forgot to get the camera out when they were outside in the sun, so these are taken inside with flash. So the colors won't be exact. Anyway, this one (my daughter calls her Butterfly) is about 6 weeks old and just over the last day or so, her (his) comb has turned a bit pinker (and wider) than the others. Butterfly's coloring is also more splotchy...black head, white neck, grey body. So without further delay...
Your butterfly looks kind of like one of my chickens - mine is almost for sure a girl at 18 weeks old so I am guessing girl on yours as well. :)

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Ok, I'll play. I have 3 EEs that I absolutely adore. I was told (of course) that they were all female, but I'm having a sneaking suspicion about one of them. I got to snap a few pics tonight. Unfortunately I forgot to get the camera out when they were outside in the sun, so these are taken inside with flash. So the colors won't be exact. Anyway, this one (my daughter calls her Butterfly) is about 6 weeks old and just over the last day or so, her (his) comb has turned a bit pinker (and wider) than the others. Butterfly's coloring is also more splotchy...black head, white neck, grey body. So without further delay...

Butterfly looks like a pullet. I've never seen a male with that color pattern, and she really does look a lot like featherz's girl. :)
wow, i thought for sure everyone was going to say cockerel for butterfly. the comb looks like it's starting to expand to 3 mini rows.

featherz...they do look a lot alike! and, we're neighbors. I'm outside of Albany!
Here are my guesses...
1. Pullet - nice small pale comb, no dark red coming in on the shoulders.
2. Cockerel - Dark comb, dark mahogany on his shoulders.
3. Leaning toward pullet. Has female coloring and no dark red shoulders, but the comb already has 3 rows of peas. However it's the same color as the gray pullet. Not 100% positive though.

Yay! That's great news. We were pretty sure about the genders of 1 and 2, but 3 is an enigma.

How often could you find a boy rooster with chick 3's color/pattern? And, is a 3 row pea comb on a girl unusual? I've learned that red on wings equals boy, but I'm starving for more knowledge!
Does this look like an EE? I have no knowledge in EE or Black Sex Links, and I'm trying to figure out what kind of chicken I've got, and what gender it is. It's all black and white in colour (I have been told to watch for maroon colouring). Still no colour in comb.
Here's some photos at 8 weeks:


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