Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Can anyone tell me what color this is or will be? Anyone have one like it?

She'll be a gorgeous blue based silver duckwing with plenty red spread through her body. She'll be, in my opinion, gorgeous. Too bad that looks like a single comb.
Well gee, nice find!!
Well I went and got the rooster and after a better look. I doubt he is pure Aracona and the color is not as good as I thought when I glanced at him in the coop.
That what happens when a "Greenhorn" makes decisions<g>
Anyway I brung him home and have him in solitary confinment. I think he is still going out in the general population.
I just happen to like variety in the flock and egg carton.
I do have some isolated pure breds, Marans and Swedish Flower Hens.
Illia thank you for all the help you are giving us greenhorns. People like you sure make it a whole lot easier to learn.
In this picture you can see one of his future ladies peeping at him through the wire<g> She is about 3 mos old and does have some nice side whiskers sticking out from the side of her head. Looks like she saying "Hey Big Boy why don't you come up and see me sometimes?"
these babies are about 3 1/2 weeks old. I have 2 out of my 5 that have a bumpier comb. Can you experts tell me if these 2 are roos. I hope they are Just girls with bumpy combs.

chick 1 in question. this is the largest of all 5. feathered first. always eye balling me from a distance. oh and the tail is usually standing straight up. has the longest tallest tail feathers.

ok and now.....

This is chick 2 in question. the most colorful one. feathered out with the others. doesn't do anything to stand out from the rest...just has that 3 rows on the comb that are a bit more developed.

any help would be great. editing To state That these were hatchery sexed birds...ok thanks.
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Well I went and got the rooster and after a better look. I doubt he is pure Aracona and the color is not as good as I thought when I glanced at him in the coop.
That what happens when a "Greenhorn" makes decisions<g>
Anyway I brung him home and have him in solitary confinment. I think he is still going out in the general population.
I just happen to like variety in the flock and egg carton.
I do have some isolated pure breds, Marans and Swedish Flower Hens.
Illia thank you for all the help you are giving us greenhorns. People like you sure make it a whole lot easier to learn.
In this picture you can see one of his future ladies peeping at him through the wire<g> She is about 3 mos old and does have some nice side whiskers sticking out from the side of her head. Looks like she saying "Hey Big Boy why don't you come up and see me sometimes?"

Yup, afraid it looks like he has slate legs, white soles, and beard/muffs. It looks like someone was using Lav Ameraucana.
He's even got leakage. Still, a very handsome EE!

Single combs = no green or blue eggs. There's a tiny chance for it but not likely. Single combs usually mean your EE will lay brown eggs.
Single combs = no green or blue eggs. There's a tiny chance for it but not likely. Single combs usually mean your EE will lay brown eggs.

Okay, I know nothing about genetics, so would there be any chance that if I bred a single combed roo to a pea combed hen that the chicks could have pea combs?

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