Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


I'm thinking the EE in front is a Roo. It's legs appear to be thicker than the others. I have been documenting their growth on this site: http://hennyrogers.tumblr.com for future reference and it will be nice to see which chicks came out as what...But this is my first experience with raising chickens from chicks. Any thoughts on this one?

and here's another one of my EE for comparison, which I've assumed is going to be a pullet.

My fiance thought of it
It fits our old lady theme

The other EE's are Eedie, Lynette, Fern, Willow and Stanley. Willow is not really an old lady name, but anyway..
Ha Ha yes it does!
I have not named all of mine but so far we have Gertrude, Gretchen, Hanna, Helga, Heidi, Lydia, Bernard and Hans!
OK, it's been a couple weeks since my last post. I've separated the 2 I'm pretty sure are hens, now We're left with 4 - one is smaller than the rest and I really hope its a hen. 3 I am pretty sure are roosters, but no obvious 'roo' behavior yet and no spurs growing in either. Here you go, what do you think?

#1 - cockerel? No saddle feathers, but he's HUGE and has kind of red on his shoulders...

#2 - cockerel? No 'patterning' of color and a larger comb...

#2 again with #3 on the left...Please tell me #3 is a pullet!!!

#4 - cockerel? Practically twin to #1

A couple more of #3 - smallest of the 4 and smaller comb - her / his coloring is kind of throwing me off though....

and, the 2 I'm pretty positive are hens...

Please tell me I have 3 hens!! Well, tell me I have 6 hens LOL!!!
The likely cockerel is a definite cockerel and trust me, he's got saddle feathers. Most people think saddle feathers are always the ones that drape down the back, but actually at this age, they're just little glossy toothy looking baby feathers right between his wings. Pick him up, have a gander, and you'll see what I mean.

The #3 it is hard to say with those photos. The trick I mentioned above about back feathers really helps though, especially at this age.

I'm thinking the EE in front is a Roo. It's legs appear to be thicker than the others. I have been documenting their growth on this site: http://hennyrogers.tumblr.com for future reference and it will be nice to see which chicks came out as what...But this is my first experience with raising chickens from chicks. Any thoughts on this one?

and here's another one of my EE for comparison, which I've assumed is going to be a pullet.

Top looks like a cockerel indeed, bottom so far pullet but no safe guesses yet.
Here is my EE roo. Isn't he a beauty? If I had to choose between a BO roo and an EE roo, which would you choose? Temperament wise - I'm not a breeder.

The one on the far left above is a buttercup. They look alot like my EE pullets! But their tails stick up straighter - that's the only way I can tell them apart at the moment. The other two are EE pullets.

Here he is with my leghorns
Illia, I was hoping that you could answer this if you had time.


Neither of those are EE though. They might have it behind them but do not carry the egg genes for it.

If I had to choose between EE roo and BO roo, temperament wise, it depends on the male but if I could only get a gamble, a one shot, I'd go BO unless the EE was a "homemade" type or bred from a backyard breeder after a few generations. Otherwise I have heard of EE's being aggressive. If one isn't and already crowing though, he's safe.
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Neither of those are EE though. They might have it behind them but do not carry the egg genes for it.
Could you explain what says that they don't carry the egg genes? They were from a batch that were supposed to be EEs, but who knows. I have one with a rose comb, several with single combs, and then 2 roos with pea combs. Maybe the 2 roos were from the actual EE batch, and the rest were just brought in to be sold. (They were from a farm)
This one and the one on the left are the 2 roos with pea combs.

The black chick I was originally asking about does have the muffs/tuffs (not sure which is correct) though. Do the color/patterns of the ones I asked about even resemble EEs???
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