Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Got a beautiful picture of my boy Stanley yesterday! He will be 12 weeks old this Saturday! I knew he was a boy very early. The feathers grew in VERY slow. I was suspicious at 2 weeks. Certain by 4. Thanks to Illa's tips!
Here is one of my two pure white EE girls. They squat, and their feathers are rounded where Stanley has saddle feathers coming in pointy and shiny.
ESofVA - Looks kinda girly so far but it also looks kinda scraggly to tell. The comb is pretty small though.
Yep, she looks scraggley! She is the only one I have that has a permanent bad hair day. Why?
No guesses as to color??? Do a lot of chickens have dk gray down? She always seems to be walking along like this, too but does not seem to have problems with her legs or body.
I am going back home tomorrow after 2 wks with my daughter and her new baby so I can get more pics this weekend if it isn't raining.
Chicks get to go out into their big new pen when I get back, too. DH has finished it but is keeping them in the smaller pen until I get back to see the fun!!

I think she looks like she has some blue in her. That might explain greyish down. She does look a little bit down in the dumps. Is she warm enough? She might be getting pushed away from the feeder if you have other more vigorous chicks. Some do just fade away after a couple of weeks but that's just the nature of things.
Here are the babies I hatched out. The roo was a black and wheaten cross and the hens where black sliver wheaten and wheaten.
They all looked black but a little chipmunk one and a brown two tone one. Some have white.
Here they are after they hatched.

Now this is what they look like now.
The black and white one that is streaky is what the brown one turned into. The chipmunk is the light and dark modled one. Strange the way they change.

he has his feathers all sticking out. They don't do that all the time.

The chip munk is sitting on the feeder with the single comb.

The hen behind the two roosters is starting to get lacey around her neck in front and back.

The little black and white streaked roo is smaller than the rest of them. And none have muffs or cheek puffs.
Just wanted to get a little in put about what they will look like when they get bigger. I know it is hard but maybe someone can tell something. The breeder told me that the black and white streaked on could be a silver wheaten roo.
I bought a couple of EEs yesterday. I tried to educate myself on what to look for and wrote down the info posted in post #7 before I left. I hope I made good choices since I want colored eggs (plus the fact that I have a BR rooster-in-training and I don't want want to take a chance of 1) annoying the neighbors with lots of crowing from more roosters, and 2) have a cock fight and end up with two dead roos). Looking at all the photos here, I still don't see the differences until they get older (like 4 or 5 months when those tail and neck feathers get long)
Anyway, I'd appreciate your all's expert opinion on my birds. I tried to get photos but I think they are camera shy because they'd look away or go inside the isolation ark when I tried to take their picture. (hopefully they have no communicable diseases because the other chickens have all visited the newcomers)
This dark feathered one is 2 - 2 1/2 or even 3 months old (based on size since I didn't get an age from the family except for "a couple of months"
(I tried to get a good shot of the flat comb)

I've got a lot of photos because I was trying to get good body shots but there are a lot of partial shadows or other things to make seeing the whole chicken difficult. By giving you all these photos, I hope you'll be able to see what you need to see to decide girl/boy.

Here's a white-ish colored one. I think it must be about 1 1/2 months old based on size compared to my other 2 month old chickens.
(you can also see the tail feathers of the darker one in case you need it)
comb shot, it's quite pale (hopefully because it's a girl)
whole body

Now, based on some of the other pictures I've seen in this thread...I wonder about this bantam...EE or OEGB?

Thanks for any help you can give me,
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I bought a couple of EEs yesterday. I tried to educate myself on what to look for and wrote down the info posted in post #7 before I left. I hope I made good choices since I want colored eggs (plus the fact that I have a BR rooster-in-training and I don't want want to take a chance of 1) annoying the neighbors with lots of crowing from more roosters, and 2) have a cock fight and end up with two dead roos). Looking at all the photos here, I still don't see the differences until they get older (like 4 or 5 months when those tail and neck feathers get long)
Anyway, I'd appreciate your all's expert opinion on my birds. I tried to get photos but I think they are camera shy because they'd look away or go inside the isolation ark when I tried to take their picture. (hopefully they have no communicable diseases because the other chickens have all visited the newcomers)
This dark feathered one is 2 - 2 1/2 or even 3 months old (based on size since I didn't get an age from the family except for "a couple of months"
(I tried to get a good shot of the flat comb)

I've got a lot of photos because I was trying to get good body shots but there are a lot of partial shadows or other things to make seeing the whole chicken difficult. By giving you all these photos, I hope you'll be able to see what you need to see to decide girl/boy.

Here's a white-ish colored one. I think it must be about 1 1/2 months old based on size compared to my other 2 month old chickens.
(you can also see the tail feathers of the darker one in case you need it)

comb shot, it's quite pale (hopefully because it's a girl)
whole body

Now, based on some of the other pictures I've seen in this thread...I wonder about this bantam...EE or OEGB?

The black one looks pretty roo-sh to me, but I am certainly no expert! Still trying to figure out my own!!!!...he/she is GORGEOUS though! The other Im not sure about...its tough when you dont know the age. Pretty birds though!

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