Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I am loving this thread. You guys have some beautiful birds!

I have two 7-week-old Easter Eggers, Iona and Fiolett. I've been very suspicious of whether or not Fiolett is actually a 'chick' for a while now. Fiolett's legs are much thicker than Iona's (and all of the other chicks') and his/her feathers came in much later. Fiolett also has a much larger and pinker comb than Iona.
I'm guessing that Iona is a female, but I'm really have not sure about Fiolett. I don't really care either way, I'm simply curious.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and expertise! :~)
The first 2 pictures are of Fiolett (the bird in question). The 3rd picture is Iona.

Question: At what age does an EE pullet'c comb begin to turn colors. For that matter, other pullets. I know at some point as they mature, their combs will get red. What age? Thanks
Did you mean Americanas? Their legs do look pretty green?

Ameraucanas, no i in the name, do not come in those colors nor have green legs. It's just a false claim hatcheries/feedstores say, that they offer Ameraucanas when in fact they're Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas have blue legs and don't come in odd brown/black patterns.

I'd wait a bit longer to be sure on gender, the second one appears to be a wildtype BBR colored pullet but it may just be the photo.

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