Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

^^This. I didn't even think of looking at Donna. :p

But yes, with the big red comb and wattles I'm pretty sure you've got a cockerel there. And like featherz said, 11 weeks is too young for finding obvious saddle feathers.
Yah, I have a few roos that get them early but right now I have hmm.. three extra roosters in my coop and none have saddles yet. They are 12-13 weeks old. I can still tell they are boys due to coloring however. :)

Remember this guy from way back on this thread? He was about 10-11 weeks here and if you didn't see those red patches you'd probably say girl (as a matter of fact everyone did at first).. =) He's now my main man!

Here's a couple of pics of Donna - or is it Donald? Seriously - looks like a hen. No pointy saddle feathers at all. (S)he is mixed heritage. Not Easter Egger, but Marans, and I don't know what else. This one hatched from a very dark brown egg. I didn't even ask what people thought about gender, because we were so sure of its being a pullet. Guess we need to reconsider!

Mine is like yours, Marans /EE mix...mostly Marans....kept hoping for it to be a pullet. 10 weeks old and today I found these! Little shiny pointy saddle feathers! Try separating the feathers in the back like I did and take a look! Also found copper hackle feathers starting! Boo!

Very helpful photos! I couldn't catch Donna, but I caught Amelia and everyone is right. Saddle feathers are coming in, I just couldn't see them yet. Donna looks almost exactly like your boy - except for the feathered legs, and our chicken has a much redder comb and wattle. To top it off, I've seen Amelia and Donna go "toe to toe" on more than one occasion. When it starts getting dark, and they all get tired, I'm gonna try to catch Donna and check the feathers, but I'm thinking we've got Rory and Mickey. (Keeping with our Doctor Who theme.)

One pullet out of the three. Bummer, but oh well. That's life! For me, this has been very educational.

That close up photo of the separated feathers - seeing the pointy hackle feathers - where is that on the bird?? <>

Also, notice whether or not they are shiny and pointy. Females get saddle feathers, too, but they are rounded. Here is a good photo someone posted that is helpful. The feathers on either end are female. The pointy ones in the middle are males. Males also have irridesent saddle feathers. Don't confuse pointed looking pattern because if you look close at some of those, you might find that it is only the pattern that is pointy looking and that it is actually a rounded feather with really light colors on the sides of the feather. (Did I make sense in trying to describe that?) Some people get a piece of paper and hold it beneath the feather to actually tell the whole shape of the feather and not just see the pattern of the feather. Anyway, hope this helps.
The jury is still out - 11 weeks old. No crowing. No signs of spurs. No sign of long, pointy saddle feathers. All the tail feathers are rounded. Mixed parentage - Mom is an Easter Egger with a fantail. Dad is a purebred, Blue Copper Marans. Previous comments have been that Amelia is really a roo. I'm wondering if people still believe that, or if there are any other opinions. I'm really scratching my head and waiting to see.

She is not really as red as this picture shows. It's bad lighting.

Siblings. "Amelia" on the left. We have the same dad, different moms. Amelia has a muff. Rose does not.

Donna is the other sibling. She is a pure Blue Copper Marans. Amelia and Donna have similar combs, but Donna has the beginnings of a waddle, and Amelia has no waddle at all.
Poor Rose! That's excatly why I don't want a roo!!! I found out yesterday that I do have one for sure. Will try to find a home for him. Booo. He is so sweet right now! I just started laughing to myself...was thinking....too bad we can't send our husbands "to another farm" when they act up!!! LOL
Sorry about poor Rose! Are those the only three chickens you have? Maybe once Rose feels better you can get two more pullets so she won't be lonely. I would try to get them a couple weeks younger than she is, that way she has a shot at being top of the pecking order.

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