Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

DianePW72 - I think that's a girl, too.
Thanks for the input and encouragement ... I'll keep everyone posted on her/his progress!
Poor Rose! That's excatly why I don't want a roo!!! I found out yesterday that I do have one for sure. Will try to find a home for him. Booo. He is so sweet right now! I just started laughing to myself...was thinking....too bad we can't send our husbands "to another farm" when they act up!!! LOL
I would LOVE to send my husband to a farm when he acts up.
Fortunately, no - I have 6 hens who are over a year old. These three were hatched by my Salmon Faverolle (pictured in my Avatar) who had gone broody. They eggs came from a friend with a farm. My original 6 are the sweetest things. They are big, heritage hens - 2 EEs, an Australorp, Speckled Sussex, Silverlaced Wyandotte, and the Faverolle (who is the smallest of the bunch, but top hen around here.) I've never had a problem with them. They do have a well-established pecking order, but the hen at the bottom has never been injured by the others. This just makes me sick.

And Lucy (the Fav) is sitting on eggs again. She loves being a Mom. The new babies will go back to the farm, as soon as Lucy is done mothering them. She was done with the first group when they were about 5 weeks old. I live in the city and just don't have space for so many chickens.

Sorry about poor Rose! Are those the only three chickens you have? Maybe once Rose feels better you can get two more pullets so she won't be lonely. I would try to get them a couple weeks younger than she is, that way she has a shot at being top of the pecking order.
Oh no! Poor rose, I am so sorry! I'm nervouse for my boys (that are headed somewhere else!) they already are bullying each other around & now I'm fearful they'll hurt each other! (mine are 7 weeks)
Aww poor Rose! Hope she heals up fast.

We've got her isolated with food and water. The wound is big - the whole back of her head and neck - but it already seems to be drying and beginning the healing process. She can't reach it, which is good. I just hope it doesn't get infected. I'm keeping an eye on it, and hoping for the best. She is alert - not in shock - but definitely traumatized.

The boys are being evicted. They go to their new home tomorrow, where there are grown roosters to help put them in their place.
I'm reall sorry but looks like a cockerel to me! Here's my cockerel Heritage who I recently had to give away! :( They look similar... But don't do anything yet! I'm not an expert this is just what I think! Here are a few pics....

About 3-4 weeks?

About 10-12 weeks?

Ah, no! That does look a lot like Panic. I have the worst luck! Thank you for your input. I will just keep an eye on "her" for now and hope (probably futilely!).
Those of you who knew my EEs were boys got confirmation today. This one crowed today:
I saw suspicious feathers on him last night and wanted to get a closer look this morning but my son let them out before I got there (late getting to them because I wanted hubby's help with something out there but I had to help him with something first - too much to get done before it get's hot). He decided to tell me himself that he's a boy. Had the other (younger) one crowing for a week already. I've got 2 EE cockerels and 1 EE pullet.

I bought the pullet knowing that she "should be laying in the next couple of weeks" and sure enough, 2 1/2 weeks after I got her, Snowy gave me these:

There is a slight bluish tint to them. I found them on the floor. Then Snowy was sitting and moving bedding around where I found one of the eggs and sure enough when I went out again an hour later, there was another one. The two above the ruler are the found ones, and the one below is the one that came still warm. I wonder about eating the first two because we've been having 100 degree temps and they would have been laid Monday and Tuesday. Anyone know if in this heat if two day old eggs are still safe for consumption? (Also, do you think there's a chance of them being fertile already? Hubby asked that and I didn't know. I saw a roo jump on her but the back ends didn't look close enough to fertilize (IYKWIM). He was trying to dominate not procreate. I don't have an incubator so I can't try, besides, with the egg being so small, I doubt they'd be good for the chick to hatch from (like trying to hatch a double yolker - not enough room to properly grow). Hubby really didn't want to hatch anyway - I also don't know if he has any "funny" ideas about eating fertilized eggs. My 8 yr old son on the other hand didn't want me to fridgerate them - HE wants them to hatch. LOL Did find out that DH doesn't want to know when we're eating chicken for supper if that chicken was previously running around in our backyard and not a store-bought one.)

I put plastic eggs in the nest boxes so hopefully she'll know where I want them. She's still spending time in the "quarantine" room even though I've freed her from quarantine this weekend. She is at the bottom of the pecking order and won't sleep up on the roost with the other chickens yet. I may shut the door with her out of the Q-room so she's forced to pick a different place to lay her eggs. If she doesn't want the roost yet, she can take a nest box until she's comfortable with the other girls. I'll wait until tomorrow to lock her out so she can still get a good night's sleep and maybe get to know the other girls a little more but do it before she lays the next egg so she has to choose a new place.

Ok..here's a pic of my 4 week old EE, named Scully. From the partridge coloring, can I assume she's a pullet? If this is helpful...even though she bosses the rest of my little flock around and herds them around the yard...she is also the first to hit the deck and freeze when there are any scary sounds (like me coughing!) I'm sure hoping she's a she...


Thanks for your help!


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