Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I need help with my EE....
Roo or pullet.... My hubby and I are very undecided.... By the tail feathers I am thinking roo.... What do you all think?

dark red on wings... Roo?

Here are updated pics, from today, of the "girls"...

Mork - calm and quiet

Mindy - very mellow. Normally hangs with Cher and one of the most outgoing.

Sonny - always on the bottom of the pile, follows what everyone else is doing

Cher - super dominant and very outgoing. She is the first one to check things out, eat, drink, and greet me. She was right next to me the whole time I was taking pictures, chatting with the chicken I was taken pics of.

Pearl - very loud when handled. She sounds like a seagull getting attacked by a cat.

Opal - pretty calm, just sort of does whatever everyone else is doing

Ruby - has been charging at the other babies a lot lately

Groucho - very quiet and shy, normally following Mindy and Cher around.

Harpo - hides behind everybody else, makes the softest tiniest peep ever.

This is the wing that the other chicks attacked. It has healed up nicely, and as you can see feathers are starting to come back in.

Camo - very flighty, bottom of the pack, normally hiding with Harpo. The only place there are still alot of pin feathers, is down the back and by its "ears".

Here are a couple of the youngest (7 wk old) group. They all have almost identical coloring, and really dark greyish black colored legs.

Midge - is super tiny. Maybe 1/2 the size of the other girls that she was supposedly hatched with. She can sit in my hand at 7 weeks old.

From these photos Harpo and Camo are the only 2 cockerels I see. Camo definitely, Harpo I'm not 100% sure on. I'm basing off the colors mostly, so Camo has all boy color and nice deep red on his shoulders. I see a little tiny bit of red on Harpo's shoulder, but not too much. However, he's got the splotchy-ness in his overall coloring that males have, therefore making me think cockerel.

I've read and looked at a lot on this thread, and I seem to be getting the hang of it (judging my guesses against other posters responses). I raised an EE chick, and fell in love, but he was, well, a he, so he had to go
. I have been looking for a pullet to replace him for a while now, and found a nice looking bird from what seems to be a good home, but it will be about an hour and a half one way for me, so I want to be confident I am getting a pullet. The gal sent some pictures, and says it's female, but then, do I see some deeper red blotches in the wings? Or am I over thinking this? I really appreciate the help.

So pretty, I really want one!
That's a beautiful pullet. Go right ahead and get her! :)

I hatched 2 EE's June 28th...so they are a month old now. I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but I wanted to post pictures and get opinions. Monster is the darker one with the much larger and redder comb..which is why I am sure he is a roo. Alice is the lighter peachy colored one and looks like a pullet to me. Am I right?



I also wanted to ask...they both had huge puffy cheeks until they started to feather out..when does that come back?
You're right on the money. Monster is a cockerel and Alice is a pullet. I love her legs!! I had to look twice because at first I thought, "Noo... That must me edited!" They are awesome!

I need help with my EE....
Roo or pullet.... My hubby and I are very undecided.... By the tail feathers I am thinking roo.... What do you all think?

dark red on wings... Roo?

Definitely a cockerel there.
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That's what I was afraid of.... He will be our third rooster. Not sure which one to keep.
What do you all think babies of my two EE would look like?

Well put Donna, and Thank You!
I've got a little girl with the pea comb, green legs, hatched from a blue egg and she lays BROWN eggs for me. Demonstrating that indeed sometimes the genes are NOT inherited together. What are the odds?, pretty slim I'd say, but leave it to me to be the one! Sheesh!
This also demonstrates to me how awesome it is to actually get a hen that will lay Olive eggs. Yes, I have egg envy.

:) I would be too! That is usually the scenario around here. My girl is 22 weeks and no egg from her yet. She is the only EE I kept so she had better be colorful! I miss those pretty green eggs. I am thinking of getting some bantam EE's for my new little Lil Buddy rooster. My dear husband moved him in with the girls yesterday (much to my horror after all my efforts to create a quarantine stall !) because he had brought too big a load of hay and had to put it somewhere (still no excuse for my chickster's health and now he realizes how much they mean to me). Anyway they beat the tar out of the little guy, I couldn't believe it. So with my nice clothes on when I came home I picked him up from his hiding place and he sat on my lap trying to coax the hens with the mealworms in my hand and they just came over one by one and tried to pull on his feathers. I hope I don't end up with a disaster on my hands since the hens just started laying good, but at least he has had his little butt powdered with lice powder and the stall was covered with shavings then DE just in case. I guess they don't think he is as handsome as I do. Now I have to figure out where to house him and a tiny flock for him.
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What are these feathers? I thought they might be hackle feathers coming in, but I think they are too high up.

Oh no! That's Camo, isn't it? Are the feathers sharply pointed at the bottom? If yes, he's a boy for sure. My EE pullet got new "hackle" feathers too, beautiful dark iridescent black with gold lacing, but they are very femininely rounded. Have you checked for saddle feathers lately (along either side of backbone up from the tail)?
New to chickens so bear with me! I'm not entirely sure how old this little one is - the feed store said "about 2 months" and that was a week ago. Our other chicks are 13 weeks - she is quite a bit smaller than them. So we had been hoping that she was a she, but we posted about her breed and some raised concerns about her sex. After leafing through this thread now I'm not sure! Please help us!

it's dark outside so we brought her inside, so the lighting isn't the best

outdoor shots so you can get a better feel for her/his coloring

a size comparison with our 13 week old Light Brahma


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