***Easter Egger show!!!!***

Yep, that first one is a pullet.
I love your easter egger Tina! I wish I could get some good looking Easter eggers like that! (I'm talking about always getting the basic EE coloring) I'm sorry about your roo
I had to rehome my favorite rooster last year too :( I wanted to add to my flock in march so I picked out 2 'Ameraucana's' at co-op, which turned out to be EE's. Well, one chick did. The other must've been put in the ameraucana, aka- easter egger bin by accident since it turned out to be a prouduction red pullet. I also bought 2 'red sex links' because I missed my former red sex link who had died. when I bought them they turned out to be production reds! I just wish they would get the labels on their chick bins right.
Oh well, I wouldn't trade the chicks I got for the right breeds anyway- I love them too much now!

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