Eastern Washington

They're Darling! I'm surprised the other hen wanted to jump in to take credit, and surprised the mom allowed it! Really cute, funny story!!! Also loved your comment about envying the short attention spans! you make me laugh.

Edit: chickengarden, heard there was a quake north of Leavenworth. Did it rattle your cage any? We didn't feel it here.
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My newest babies! Hatch day was yesterday. 2 blonde Cream Legbar boys are out with my broody, and these are the rest from my incubator. I "think" that there are 2 dark males and 3 females in here, but if so the boys are very "girlie" looking :) I asked the person who gave me hatching eggs if she has any ideas... we'll see. Either way I am thrilled to finally have some Cream Legbar pullets (my last hatch was 3 cockerels), and a fairly successful hatch (7/9 eggs so far... still a little hope for the last 2 but it is day 23 so it is fading...).

Adorable! That's two boys and five girls. Congratulations!!!!
Thanks, MaggieRose. That's wonderful about the refunds Vicki. NineTrees, they are just perfect :) I've let 3 of my hens be broody and sit on eggs this past month. The first one, a Barred Rock, hatched 5 out of 10 eggs. Yesterday, My Buff Orp hatched out 8 out of 11. My other Buff Orp jumped in the nest with her for the last 3 days so I guess she gets credit too :) Here's a pic of the new 8.
Those are some adorable chicks! I love little black puff balls :)
Alright, are we all ready for some amazing before and after photos? Her is my 28yr old Arab gelding, Khlassi. I have owned him for 22 years and he is my baby

He started dropping weight fast a couple weeks ago over at my aunt Linda's and we were all stumped because she has good pasture.


AND AFTER!!! This is just 6 days after coming home to my house to be pastured on my rich pasture

My newest babies! Hatch day was yesterday. 2 blonde Cream Legbar boys are out with my broody, and these are the rest from my incubator. I "think" that there are 2 dark males and 3 females in here, but if so the boys are very "girlie" looking :) I asked the person who gave me hatching eggs if she has any ideas... we'll see. Either way I am thrilled to finally have some Cream Legbar pullets (my last hatch was 3 cockerels), and a fairly successful hatch (7/9 eggs so far... still a little hope for the last 2 but it is day 23 so it is fading...).

OHHHHH Ninetreesmom!!! Oh I'm dying of sweetness here!!! Just adorable! Congratulations!!
I'm sorry... I scrolled back and couldn't find it again... one of y'all asked me about feeding chicks strawberries? my silly girls still won't eat them... they love every kind of seed, grass, oat, etc. I tried to give them cantaloupe the other day (they're 8 weeks old now) and they literally ran away from it! I started giving them dandelion "treats" pretty early, like within a couple weeks if I remember correctly, and they loved them. ALWAYS with their medicated chick feed available and lots of fresh water. And just FYI, I have always put apple cider vinegar and a drop of honey in their water. Hope this helps!

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