Eastern Washington

Thanks Ninetrees! I'm pretty proud of them. Did you notice the little feathered foot?

chickengarden, my memory actually stinks, unless I'm really interested in something, and Roman had really intrigued me. I think it's because of his dark muzzle and ears. We've had German Shepherds for the last 40 yrs. and they have a similar color to their faces. Unfortunately, the breed is so inbred now that it's really difficult to get one that doesn't have problems. Our youngest one we thought would be healthy as his parents were from Germany, and he's now allergic to his food. Would you believe after many tests, turns out he can only eat Kangaroo. Good grief. I think the answer to this is to get a cross of two breeds. I'll check out the breeder's website.
I'm so excited that you're going to go look at Roman's sister. Good luck! How are the boys doing? I'll bet they really loved that pup of theirs.
Vicki, your chicks are adorable. I've heard with feathered feet they will scratch things up less. That would probably be a nice trait. My chickens and seriously excavate things with their endless scratching!

The boys are doing fine. My hubby and I envy their short attention spans. But all of us have hope now as we begin to get excited to go to the Olympic Dog farm and meet Roman's sister.
Vicki, your chicks are adorable. I've heard with feathered feet they will scratch things up less. That would probably be a nice trait. My chickens and seriously excavate things with their endless scratching!

The boys are doing fine. My hubby and I envy their short attention spans. But all of us have hope now as we begin to get excited to go to the Olympic Dog farm and meet Roman's sister.

have been reading your story... so very sorry for your loss, and hoping things work out well with his sister. (((hugglies for the family)))
Thanks, maggierose. They're 9 days old and I can already see their unique personalities. Do you remember at what age you fed yours a strawberry? We've got so many right now and would hate for the girls to miss out on them.

Just want to update everyone on my chick order:
MPC. is refunding the cost of the three chicks which didn't survive the trip(which I expected them to).
They're also refunding the cost of their Mareks vaccination(I didn't expect this)
Since I lost half my order, they're refunding half the shipping cost(Holy cow I never would have expected this)!

So anyway, this is how they handled the problem, even though it was not their fault in any way. So
to My Pet Chicken.
Thanks, chickypoos.I just can't seem to get enough of them!
Yes, MPC. treated me very well and I've gotten three apologies. The reason I went with them in the first place was because I didn't want fifteen chicks, or some "surprise extra's".
I'm having six hatching eggs shipped today from a private party. If I get a pair of babies I will be so happy. Have never incubated before, so I'm nervous but excited.
My newest babies! Hatch day was yesterday. 2 blonde Cream Legbar boys are out with my broody, and these are the rest from my incubator. I "think" that there are 2 dark males and 3 females in here, but if so the boys are very "girlie" looking :) I asked the person who gave me hatching eggs if she has any ideas... we'll see. Either way I am thrilled to finally have some Cream Legbar pullets (my last hatch was 3 cockerels), and a fairly successful hatch (7/9 eggs so far... still a little hope for the last 2 but it is day 23 so it is fading...).

Thanks, MaggieRose.
That's wonderful about the refunds Vicki.
NineTrees, they are just perfect :)

I've let 3 of my hens be broody and sit on eggs this past month. The first one, a Barred Rock, hatched 5 out of 10 eggs. Yesterday, My Buff Orp hatched out 8 out of 11. My other Buff Orp jumped in the nest with her for the last 3 days so I guess she gets credit too :) Here's a pic of the new 8.


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