Eastern Washington

Hi bloominginger! You can use the store locator tool for Scratch and Peck feed. They are certified organic and non-gmo verified
Also be sure to check out their home page, they are an awesome company!

This is great, thank you!!
The girls are loving the new coop! My poor little bantam Marie is getting picked on by our SLW, though. Still haven't managed to trap that dang raccoon.

Juniper is three weeks old today! Crazy!

OK, I ditched the clicker and decided to just train the Squawk Brigade to react to a cue word.

Chickens - I'm just training them to jump up on my arm.
Duck - I'm training Lizzie to kiss my cheek!
The girls are loving the new coop! My poor little bantam Marie is getting picked on by our SLW, though. Still haven't managed to trap that dang raccoon.

Juniper is three weeks old today! Crazy!

ohhhhh she's beautiful Chaebird!! those eyes!! what a hunny bunny sweetheart! yup, she's a keeper for sure!
Thanks! I think she's pretty perfect, too. She's gotten so big these past weeks! I keep telling her to stop it!

If you find a way to stop our kiddos from growing, let know. Just got my baby girl's sr. pics. Clearly, she kept growing in spite of my efforts to make it stop :) Enjoy your sweet baby snuggles, Chae! They are the best.

And on a not-so-baby chicken note...
When I was out in the chicken yard yesterday just doing some routine picking-up, one of my BRs (Molly) flew up onto my shoulder and just sat there while I attempted to do my chores! She did a great job balancing, and seemed very annoyed when I made her get down. Next time I need to put on a pirate hat and eye patch. Just call me Capt Crazy Chicken Lady, lol.
If you find a way to stop our kiddos from growing, let know.  Just got my baby girl's sr. pics.  Clearly, she kept growing in spite of my efforts to make it stop :) Enjoy your sweet baby snuggles, Chae!  They are the best.

They are the best!

Your daughter is beautiful. :) I've heard tying a brick to their head might work...but if mine turns out as nicely as yours, maybe it's not so bad. I'm going to nuzzle her soft little baby hair as much as I can, though.
If you find a way to stop our kiddos from growing, let know. Just got my baby girl's sr. pics. Clearly, she kept growing in spite of my efforts to make it stop :) Enjoy your sweet baby snuggles, Chae! They are the best.

And on a not-so-baby chicken note...
When I was out in the chicken yard yesterday just doing some routine picking-up, one of my BRs (Molly) flew up onto my shoulder and just sat there while I attempted to do my chores! She did a great job balancing, and seemed very annoyed when I made her get down. Next time I need to put on a pirate hat and eye patch. Just call me Capt Crazy Chicken Lady, lol.
Wow. What a beautiful girl you have :) A wonderful senior pic too.
PS I have one of those chicken's who flies up on to everybody. Freaks my visitors out.

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