Eastern Washington

We just started getting eggs last week. We have four black sex-linkes cross girls, and are up to three eggs a day already. They have been acting really funny with the "egg squat" mentioned earlier for a while, so I knew it wouldn't be long. It was so rewarding to check the nest boxes and find two eggs that first day. We already have more eggs than we usually use, even though they are a bit smaller than the store-bought ones. We got a larger double yolker yesterday. So Exciting!
Glad I found this thread! I'm from Goldendale and new to BYC. I just started my flock about a month ago. I got SL, GL, & BLRW Wyandottes.

See I'm not the only one from G'dale. In case Maggierose hasn't already told you, the Klickitat County Fair and Rodeo is in a couple weeks. August 22nd thru the 25th.


I haven't entered anything thing in many moons. I used to show hogs when I was a kid. So I guess next year it's wyandottes!
Hi! It has been a super busy summer here.

No kidding on the zucchini! Lock the doors, windows, and everything else!

The meaties are headed to the butcher tomorrow :) the piggies went last week. Our new piglets were born last week and we acquired two new rabbits are almost ready to have their litters.

The garden has gone bonkers and it is time to start canning and freezing!

The new girls have started laying!!! We are up to a dozen eggs a day now.
Welcome Gut Pile! I have one each of SL, GL, and BLR Wyandotte in my own flock. My SLW is the friendliest bird I have. I love the color they bring to the flock and they are great layers too! That is great that you are entering yours in the fair next year. I haven't shown an animal since I was a kid either. Might be fun!
I'm entering my three BLRW bantam pullets in the fair this year. It seems that Wyandottes are kind of popular in this part of the world!

However, there are only very rarely any other Wyandottes in the Walla Walla fair. The last two years there has only been the occasional SL standard.
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Yeah! First egg just out of the nest box! :weee

I'm sure it's Peanut's as she has been acting like she was going to lay any minute for the last two weeks. And it perfect and pretty and small, just like her. I was afraid that she was laying in the daisies or under the barberries, or who knows where, so I've been hunting around all the hidey-holes like a crazy person. But she knew better than I, and layed it right next to the golf ball I put in the nest box. Now Molly should be right behind her, and will hopefully follow her good example.


And welcome, Gut Pile!
Thanks for the warm welcome!

I'm so excited about getting chickens. My Gma always had a large flock, but these are my first. I have 16 hatchery birds, 1 of which is a Roo EE that was a freebie. I think all 5 SLWs are pullets, but there's one I'm not positive about. I ordered straight run on the 5 BLRWs and I think I got all pullets. Yah! I ordered 5 pullets for the GLWs but I think I got 3-4 cockerels.

Here's pics of 3 of them. The first I'm pretty sure is a cockerel, lacking tail feathers and bare wing bow. Same for the second. There is a third that looks the same but I didn't take pics. The third pictures chick I'm not sure. It has good tail feathers and feathers on wing bow like a pullet, but it has the most advanced comb and wattles and has heavy legs like a cockerel. It could just be an older chick as it is the biggest of the whole flock. What do you all think?

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3
"Here's pics of 3 of them. The first I'm pretty sure is a cockerel, lacking tail feathers and bare wing bow. Same for the second. There is a third that looks the same but I didn't take pics. The third pictures chick I'm not sure. It has good tail feathers and feathers on wing bow like a pullet, but it has the most advanced comb and wattles and has heavy legs like a cockerel. It could just be an older chick as it is the biggest of the whole flock. What do you all think?"

I'd ask over at the Breed/Gender forum in addition to tapping into the experience here. I've learned a ton from what is posted there, and it helped me be pretty sure what I had in my coop as my girls matured.
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I'd ask over at the Breed/Gender forum in addition to tapping into the experience here. I've learned a ton from what is posted there, and it helped me be pretty sure what I had in my coop as my girls matured.

I read a lot on GLW chick gender characteristics and learned a bunch there. I thought about posting there, but figured they say the same things as all the other similar threads. I doesn't really matter to me what they are, pullets will keep, cockerels will go in the soup pot.

Out of the SLW GLW and BLRW, so far the BLRW are my fav. They have the prettiest color, seem to have the best temperament, and look to have the best build. If I'd known the straight run was going to be all pullets, I'd have only ordered the BLRWs. Though if I had ordered 15, I'd probably got all cockerels!
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Gut Pile, from my limited experience I "think" you are right on your gender guesses, and I think number 3 is up in the air. I had. GLW I thought for sure was a cockerel... Wattles were much larger and redder than any of my other chicks, tail short, legs thick. She is definitely a pullet now, with a weird short tail kinda like an Orpington. Definitely not a show bird!

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