Eastern Washington

Vicki is gonna be so mad today. It's snowing here at my house. How many inches did you get so far today, Vicki?

Whiski, that's exciting about babies. It is always fun to see pictures.
Awww snap! or something like that. You're right, chickengarden, I'm pretty peeved about the snow, but thanks for thinking of me(did I hear you snickering???)! I 'm sick to death of it, but still like it better than the rain. We got just enough that everything is covered, but only about an inch deep. It's 39 degrees out, and that's always weird to me, why it's snow instead of rain.

I had to go sweep the dish off to get the internet working. Does anyone know if a person can spray Rain-X or cooking oil spray, or even use car wax to get the snow to slide off?

CarriesPeeps, I don't know where Priest River is, but I know you and I got rain this week while everyone else was out gardening, building goat fences, and generally enjoying the warmth. Are you at a higher elevation there?
Vicki, Priest River is on the WA-ID border. We are about 2200 feet. Not too bad but I am ready for sunshine. Building in the rain just isn't fun.

Pips&peeps I am class of 97. It is still the typical small town, but we finally got a stoplight!
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Vicki, absolutely no snickering here. We have rain/snow mix and 40 degrees. No accumulation.
We are finishing up our goat fence today. I am making another pot of coffee to warm us up!

Carrie, I've seen photos of Priest River when looking for vacation rentals around the Sandpoint area. It looks gorgeous up there.
BTW, anyone one on here have ducks? If you do, I'd love to see what you have for housing. I am reading that they are hardier than chickens and am considering some options for their accommodations...
Got my first 3 ducks about 4wks ago!!! Man, they grow FAST!!! Had no clue how much faster they grow than the chicks. I plan to house them in something like a big dog house at night. Think I've settled on making a simple pallet house for them. Trying to come up with a cheap idea for a pond that doesn't look "redneck", haha!! Probably gonna buy a kiddie pool and line it with black plastic (redneck!).
I've just recently been letting everyone (chicks, ducklings, goslings, and 1 poult) have outside time. We sure love watching the ducks and geese! They just go crazy on the grass! Hate to admit they are becoming our favorites!

I just registered as a member this morning and so happy to have found this - I'd love to be a part of the Eastern Washington group! I live in Spokane Valley. We started with 8 chickens last year and this week added 2 baby Swedish ducks to our family!
This thread is nice and laid back!!! Enjoy!!!! I was hoping for Swedish ducklings but I broke down and went to the feed store and got "assortment" babies. The 3 are looking like a Khaki, Rouen and maybe a Cayuga, but he/she is sure walking upright so maybe a Runner (?).
Yeah .. Yakima blows.

So do the Tri-Sh****es!!!!! It is SOOO DANG RIDICULOUS today!!!! It makes me angry to be outside when it's like this
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Chickengarden, I know you weren't enjoying my misery. I was just playing with you.
Tomorrow will be a better day.

So Priest River is at 2200 ft. So is the Easton-Cle-Elum area.

So what's up with ducks? I've never known anyone who had them. Are they slug and bug eating machines, or are they egg layers, or are they meat birds, or just friends? Sorry to sound stupid, but the whole idea is new to me. There were a pair of Mallards showed up on Easter to go for a swim in my water garden, and I thought that was cute, but also glad when they left. We have a few Koi in there, but they stayed at the bottom, so were safe.

So ducks are hardier? Does that mean they can stay out in the snow where some chickens can't? This is interesting.

Hehehe, "Tri-Sh***es"
Got my first 3 ducks about 4wks ago!!! Man, they grow FAST!!! Had no clue how much faster they grow than the chicks. I plan to house them in something like a big dog house at night. Think I've settled on making a simple pallet house for them. Trying to come up with a cheap idea for a pond that doesn't look "redneck", haha!! Probably gonna buy a kiddie pool and line it with black plastic (redneck!).
I've just recently been letting everyone (chicks, ducklings, goslings, and 1 poult) have outside time. We sure love watching the ducks and geese! They just go crazy on the grass! Hate to admit they are becoming our favorites!

This thread is nice and laid back!!! Enjoy!!!! I was hoping for Swedish ducklings but I broke down and went to the feed store and got "assortment" babies. The 3 are looking like a Khaki, Rouen and maybe a Cayuga, but he/she is sure walking upright so maybe a Runner (?).
So do the Tri-Sh****es!!!!! It is SOOO DANG RIDICULOUS today!!!! It makes me angry to be outside when it's like this
Our ducks are my favorite now, too.

Vicki, ducks have really piqued my interest too. I want more and have started working on my hubby :)
Okay, I only had one baby hatch out of the 20 eggs my hen was sitting on. Most of the eggs were maybe a day pr two away from hatching when she abandoned her nest
We arent sure why she did what she did but it is what it is. Last night, she was sitting on a nest with Babe so I couldnt even say for sure if she still has her one chick with her. It is so tiny though. Bantam size for sure which means it was one of Blondie's eggs because Blondie is the only hen I have that lays itty bitty eggs. Here are some pictures of my chickens to share with everyone

My flock as of Easter Sunday

Whiski in the back and centered. His son is to the left of him and most the rest are his girls and daughters

Whiski with his girls and daughters

Whiski's son that is for sale.

Another Whiski baby. Can you see the resemblemce

Whiski with his girls and children

Angel is front and center in this picture

One of my favorite daughters from Whiski is this hen thats center. she is one beautiful little hen and should make me a very nice layer

Like father like son. I love not only seeing all the different colors that Whiski has given me but I also enjoying seeing him throw his own colors as well

Another favorite Whiski daughter. She is so different from the rest of my girls and daughters which is why I just couldnt part with her

And here we have babe, my red hen on her nest and sharing it with one of my black hens. This black hen had her own nest and hatched one chick from it and deserted the nest. I candled the eggs and the eggs she deserted had a couple days before hatching. Heartbreaking and very puzzling why she would abandon her nest just to sit on Babe's with her. This picture was taken yesterday evening. Im hoping that one chick is under her but havent seen it since yesterday afternoon.

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